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Alia Bhatt's Raha to Kareena Kapoor's Taimur: Bollywood's Fashionable Toddlers Are Following Their Parents' Footsteps

Alia Bhatt's Raha to Kareena Kapoor's Taimur: Bollywood's Fashionable Toddlers Are Following Their Parents' Footsteps


The new generation of Bollywood is not simply adapting the style of its predecessors; they intelligently create their own fashion personality. These kids not only have good genes but also possess a taste in fashion that belies their age as they elegantly pair with their famous parents on the red carpet or take center stage at exclusive events.

Malti Marie

a look at Bollywood's fashionable toddlers - Priyanka Chopra Instagram

Their fashion knowledge doesn't stop at formal occasions. Even from the comfort of their homes, little ones can easily be seen dressed stylishly and effortlessly.

Raha Kapoor

a look at Bollywood's fashionable toddlers - Alia Bhatt Instagram

Before they even step into the spotlight, celebrity kids are already making waves, from their first selfies to the much-anticipated reveal of their names. It was only last year that Raha made her public debut at the Kapoor family's Christmas brunch in Mumbai.

Later, Alia Bhatt shared her daughter's picture for the first time on her Instagram account, twinning in a custom-made silk brocade Suket Dhir set.

Taimur and Jeh Ali Khan

a look at Bollywood's fashionable toddlers - Kareena Kapoor Instagram

Taimur Ali Khan has been constantly followed by paparazzi, confronted by groups of photographers stationed outside his home since his childhood, a predictable repercussion of his lineage. From his debut, the spotlight followed him, capturing his meet-cutes and sparking public fascination. Now, his younger brother, Jeh, also always remains under the media radar.

When your parents are none other than Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan, it's inevitable that their two boys become walking inspirations.

Inaya Naumi Khemu

a look at Bollywood's fashionable toddlers - Soha Ali Khan instagram

Watchers can also take style inspiration from mom Soha Ali Khan, who happily shares photos of the two posing together, giving fans a glimpse of their adorable mother-daughter moments with Inaaya.

Devi Basu Singh Grover

a look at Bollywood's fashionable toddlers - Bipasha Basu Instagram

When it comes to dressing, Bipasha Basus' daughter perfectly embodies the perfect blend of comfort and style. Picture her in an airy silhouette, adorned with a pretty cotton or linen dress that exudes casual elegance. Whether it's a delicate ruffle here and there or a pretty print adding a touch of whimsy, it gracefully captures the essence of carefree chic.

Whether on sunny walks or beach picnics, her outfits exude a laid-back vibe, inviting a sense of ease with a playful charm.

Vivaan and Samisha

a look at Bollywood's fashionable toddlers - Shilpa Shetty Instagram

Be it sometimes with her own sister Shamita Shetty, Shilpa Shetty seems to believe in the power of outfit coordination. Notably, her children are also seen matching their outfits, reflecting the family's penchant for coordinated fashion statements.

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