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Beachfront city with a small-town feel, not far from Hollywood

Beachfront city with a small-town feel, not far from Hollywood


Often compared to the fictional Mayberry, Torrance features wide urban streets, unique architecture, and is often used as a setting in television and movies.

“Downtown Torrance makes you feel like you're walking through Mayberry,” Kirk Rossberg, owner of Torrance Bakery, tells me at his popular family-owned shop in the heart of the historic downtown district, known as Old Torrance.

Just 30 minutes from LAX Airport, Torrance is unlike a Southern California city, so close to the sprawling, bustling city of Los Angeles and the fourth largest city in Los Angeles County .

I agree with Rossberg, Torrance and, in particular, Old Torrance, has a small-town aura like Mayberry from the 1960s sitcom. The Andy Griffith Show. Like the fictional Mayberry, Old Torrance has wide streets dotted with well-kept homes, many with American flags flying out front, and most of its downtown businesses are located in old buildings, here since its founding in 1912.

There are also Art Deco era buildings, including one housing the Torrance Historical Society Museum, notable for its sleek modern design and on the day I visited a vintage car from the 1950s parked outside .

Torrance Bakery sits just around the corner from the museum, and as I sit outside eating one of the bakery's signature lunch sandwiches, named after a beloved waitress, I learn that it is not just the architecture that justifies the comparison with Mayberry. There is a preserved authenticity and a friendliness shown by passers-by.

Sure enough, I'm sitting with Debbie Hays, a well-known local who has volunteered with many community organizations, including the Torrance Historical Society and who works on Discover Torrence, to help promote the town. But it's always surprising how many people stop by our outdoor table to say hello, including a few who also reference Mayberry when I ask them what they like about Torrance.

“The city in general is pretty big with 150,000 people,” says Rossberg, who was born in Torrance.

“It’s a great community. It's highway accessible, but no highways run through it, which is really important to keep this a nice community.

Rossberg, who has worked in bakeries since high school, decided he loved cake decorating so much that he wanted to make a career out of it and opened his own bakery 40 years ago. He adds that there was no better place to open a bakery than his hometown, despite some initial challenges.

“When we bought the bakery, the oven broke two weeks after starting and I had no money. The oven guy came in, fixed it and said pay me when you can. That’s the kind of place Torrance is,” he said.

Rossberg Bakery has since expanded from its original 1,200 square foot store to now 14,000 square feet spread across two locations and employs 115 people.

Located just outside of Hollywood and boasting unique architecture, Torrance has also been the setting for many television series and films.

The local high school is where 90210 was filmed and the house from Buffy the Vampire Slayer is also in Old Torrance.

More recently, other film crews have included Lone Star, 9-1-1, Precarious And Grey's Anatomy, to name a few. The latter television series, although set in Seattle, filmed many of its Pacific Ocean scenes in Torrance Beach, considered a hidden gem because its 1.5 miles of coastline are often uncrowded. And with a concession stand, volleyball nets, and 40 acres of soft sand, it's a great place for oceanside fun.

Torrance Beach is also the start or end point, depending on which direction you're traveling, of The Strand, a 22-mile coastal bike path between the city and Santa Monica. It connects many Southern California beaches, such as neighboring Redondo, Hermosa, and Manhattan beaches.

Torrance is also located about 30 miles from Hollywood, Universal Studios, and Disneyland Resorts, so it's a good option for people who want to travel to and around Los Angeles.

Torrance is also less than a half-hour drive from SoFi Stadium, home of the NFL's Chargers and Rams. It will also be the site of eight matches at the 2026 FIFA Men's World Cup and one of the venues for the 2028 Summer Olympics.

Although my first stop is at Torrance Bakery for some great pastries and meeting locals, here is a list of places I would also recommend visiting while in “Mayberry”, USA:

The Madrona Marsh Preserve & Nature Center is an urban oasis that the public can enjoy for free in the middle of the city. This beautiful open space is a great place for a walk or birdwatching, with over 275 native bird species and 50 non-native species observed here over the past 40 years. It is also one of the last remaining spring wetlands in the South Bay region of Southern California. The entrance is right in front of the Nature Center.

The South Coast Botanical Garden, while technically not in Torrance, is very close by in neighboring Palos Verdes. This 35-hectare property was the world's first botanical garden built on top of a landfill. It was originally the Los Angeles County sanitary landfill until it was dedicated as a garden in 1960 and now has more than 2,500 different species of plants, including a desert garden with cacti and succulents, a rose garden, a Banyan Grove and a California native plant garden, among others. . It also features a tropical butterfly exhibit called SOAR.

The Torrance Art Museum emphasizes modern and contemporary artwork and features local and international artwork in its two galleries. During my visit, the museum had a special exhibition titled The Wonder of the Old Masters: Rembrandt, Goya and Dürer, with more than 60 etchings, etchings and woodcuts created by the three masters, including a few self-portraits by Rembrandt.

The American Honda Collection Hall almost feels like a secret museum during my recent visit since I was alone touring this amazing collection of Honda and Acura cars, motorcycles and other innovations, dating back to the company's founding in 1959. Located at the main entrance of the American Honda hall. headquarters in Torrance, the collection room opened to the public in September 2023. A smaller version of the Honda Museum in Motegi, Japan, it features numerous exhibits in the 20,000 square foot space dedicated to showcasing the history of Honda. Definitely worth a visit, especially for car enthusiasts interested in seeing rare and special Hondas.


Where to stay: DoubleTree by Hilton is located in central Torrance, so a good base for exploring the city. You can easily walk to the beach from the hotel or cross the street to shop at the Del Amo Fashion Center, which has more than 250 stores. The newly renovated hotel has an outdoor pool, comfortable rooms, a fitness room, and free breakfast, if you stay in a suite. (All guests receive a warm chocolate chip cookie at check-in.)

Where to eat: Mother! Oaxaca Restaurant and Mezcaleria has one of the largest mezcal collections in the United States and is also a great place to enjoy authentic Mexican cuisine. Be sure to order a dish that also includes their delicious mole sauce.

The local cuisine has reasonable prices and hearty dishes, so make sure you come hungry. I ordered the Blackened Mahi Tacos, which were some of the best fish tacos I've ever had in Southern California (and I always order fish tacos there, so that's saying something). It's a sports bar so obviously noisy and not ideal if you're looking for a quiet restaurant.

Kim Pemberton was hosted by Discover Torrance, which has not reviewed or approved this story. Follow her on Instagram at kimstravelogue.




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