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'Munjya' Actor Abhay Varma Reveals Scary Story About Randomly Waking Up A Cast Member At 3 AM – Exclusive |

'Munjya' Actor Abhay Varma Reveals Scary Story About Randomly Waking Up A Cast Member At 3 AM – Exclusive |


Come towards me, the latest addition to the supernatural Maddocks universe, has struck a chord with audiences! After an opening number of Rs 4 crore, the film is expected to cross Rs 15 crore by the end of its opening weekend. Abhay Varma, who plays the lead role in Munjya, received praise for his performance. In a exclusive In a chat with ETimes, the actor spoke about Munjya's protest, the challenges of CGI filming and a scary story from the sets.Excerpts:
How did you land 'Munjya'?
It rarely happens that an audition feels like this role is going to be something interesting and I really want to be a part of it. As far as I know, hundreds of people auditioned for Munjya over seven to eight months. Usually, casting is locked in a few months at most. But for this, the team auditioned for six to eight months. And when I got called for the audition, it felt like an opportunity where I wanted to explore more than just the audition. So yeah, the power of manifestation really came into play. Also, I believe 90% of an actor's life is no and 10% is yes. And the only way to not focus on the no is to not take it to heart.
A lot of CG was involved in Munjya, how would you describe the experience of filming?
The process was completely different! And a lot of it depends on the power of imagination and the power of observation of an actor. Munjya is a one of its kind film in which not only is CGI done while creating the background but we also build a character from scratch with its help. It was a challenge as we used to shoot three takes for each scene. One for the VFX, one for my performance and one for the color palette, lighting and other details. In the end, it was an exciting adventure.
Shed some light on your relationships with co-stars, Sharvari Wagh and Mona Singh
Sharvari and I were the pranksters on set. We actually had a lot of fun filming together because our energy was well in sync. And Mona ma'am, although she is a senior actress, she is a child at heart. So it was a completely maddening, exciting and fun journey. These two beautiful angels, Sharvari and Mona ma'am, have truly shaped my character and shaped me too. Because I think a man can only become a gentleman when he is surrounded by women.
Did you experience any scary incidents while filming this horror comedy?
So something really weird happened on the last night of our stay at a hotel in Konkan. I woke up at 3 a.m., suddenly, by chance, and after 5 or 10 minutes I fell back asleep. The next day, at the breakfast table, when someone asked me, how did you sleep? Well, I said, I just woke up to 3 a.m. for only 5 or 10 minutes and then I slept again. And instantly, Sharvari also collaborated on this, saying that she also woke up at the same time. Since we tend to check the phone every time we wake up these days, she must have checked the time too. And then Madame Mona entered. She, too, said she woke up at 3 a.m. Then a few other crew members including the director discussed the same thing and suddenly we were wondering why we all wake up at 3am? No one knows the reason but we call it a 3 a.m. story. Now that we're out, it seems funny but I'm a big fat guy and we were all pretty damn scared at the time. It was indeed very scary.

Munjya | Song – Tainu Khabar Nahi




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