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Kangana Ranaut slapping incident: Hrithik Roshan and Alia Bhatt react to 'Queen' star's assault at Chandigarh airport

Kangana Ranaut slapping incident: Hrithik Roshan and Alia Bhatt react to 'Queen' star's assault at Chandigarh airport


Actor and politician Kangana Ranaut was involved in a shocking incident at the Chandigarh airport on Thursday, where she was allegedly slapped by a CISF officer during a security check. Ranaut, who recently won the Lok Sabha elections from Mandi in Himachal Pradesh, was on her way to Delhi for an NDA meeting when the incident took place. Several Bollywood celebrities, including Alia Bhatt and Hrithik Roshan, have now come out in support of Kangana.

Celebrities react to Kangana slapping incident

On Sunday, journalist Faye DSouza posted on Instagram condemning the incident. She wrote, “Referring to the incident of MP Kangana Ranaut being slapped at an airport, violence can never be the answer. Especially not in our country, which was born from Gandhi's ideals of non-violence. If we disagree with someone's opinions and statements, we cannot respond with violence and we must not accept it.”
The post received likes from several celebrities including Alia Bhatt, Hrithik Roshan, Soni Razdan, Zoya Akhtar, Sonakshi Sinha and Arjun Kapoor. Alia's support is remarkable, considering her past disagreements with Kangana.
Kangana previously slammed Alia for her performance in 'Gully Boy', calling her “mediocre”. On the other hand, Alia responded positively, appreciating Kangana's honesty. Similarly, Hrithik Roshan and Kangana have a history of public conflicts, including legal battles and heated exchanges.

Liked by Hrithik
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Kangana's reaction and suspended CISF officer

Following the incident, Kangana took to social media to react to the slap, revealing that the police had justified their actions citing support for the farmers' protests. “I am safe and perfectly fine. However, my concern is how we will deal with the rise of extremism in Punjab,” Kangana said.
In response to the incident, CISF constable Kulwinder Kaur was suspended and an FIR was lodged against her. Kaur's insider defended her actions, saying the argument started because of Kangana's refusal to place her purse and phone on the conveyor belt to be scanned.
Veteran actress Shabana Azmi expressed her disapproval over the slap incident, saying, “I have no love lost for Kangana, but celebrating the slap is wrong. If security personnel start taking justice into law, none of us can be safe. Actor Anupam Kher also condemned the incident, calling for legal action against the constable.




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