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Bollywood throwback: When Anushka Sharma recreated the iconic moment from Aishwarya Rai's Kajra Re. Watch | Bollywood

Bollywood throwback: When Anushka Sharma recreated the iconic moment from Aishwarya Rai's Kajra Re.  Watch |  Bollywood
Bollywood throwback: When Anushka Sharma recreated the iconic moment from Aishwarya Rai's Kajra Re.  Watch |  Bollywood


There is no doubt that Aishwarya Rais Kajra Re, also starring Amitabh Bachchan and Abhishek, became a rage long before rage became a thing. Now, as a treat of the weekend, a video of actress Anushka Sharma has surfaced in which she recreates this iconic moment. (Also Read: Mention of Aishwarya Rai is missing from Amitabh Bachchan's tweet about Kajra Re; fans remind him that she was the highlight)

Kajra Re featured in the film Bunty Aur Babli.
Kajra Re featured in the film Bunty Aur Babli.

The popular dance number is from Shaad Ali's 2005 hit heist comedy Bunty Aur Babli. The film also starred Rani Mukherji.

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From the catchy lyrics to the catchy tunes to the zealous choreography, the song continues to have a cult following. Several celebrities have attempted to recreate the popular song, and now a video of Anushka doing the same has surfaced online and is winning hearts.

In a video posted on Reddit, Anushka can be seen performing to Kajra Re at an award show. Her look is reminiscent of Aishwarya in the song with statement earrings, maang tika and kohl in her eyes. She is wearing a lehenga choli.

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Even though the Reddit user who posted it called it iconic, not everyone seemed to agree. One person wrote: “This is more iconic than a GIF of Virat Kohli dancing. Another wrote: Dancing at award shows before meeting Kohli and deciding she was too good for BW. I like him and his films. But she doesn't know how to dance. , shared one of them. The steps are precise and she looks really pretty, shared a user who liked her performance.

About the song

Kajra Re is a hit by Bunty Aur Babli. Aishwarya came in for a cameo in the film, scripting the story. She danced in the special number with her husband Abhishek and father-in-law Amitabh. The song is composed by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy. It’s the grace and expressions she brings to the dance moves that made the song iconic.

Some time ago, when Bunty Aur Babli was 19, Amitabh turned to X and reposted an image from Kajra Re, of him, Abhishek and Aishwarya matching their hook steps. He wrote in the caption: The song became so popular that it still regenerates attention and love… and the best moments with the song, Bhaiyu, were when we performed it live on stage (namaste and laughing to tears emojis).

Bunty Aur Babli was produced by Yash Raj Films. Varun V Sharma directed the sequel in 2022, starring Rani, Saif Ali Khan (who replaced Abhishek as Bunty), Siddhant Chaturvedi, Sharvari Wagh and Pankaj Tripathi, but it bombed at the box office.




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