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There's a Little Donald in All of Us Donald Duck Actor Celebrates 90th Birthday

There's a Little Donald in All of Us Donald Duck Actor Celebrates 90th Birthday
There's a Little Donald in All of Us Donald Duck Actor Celebrates 90th Birthday


Donald Duck's voice actor said he believes the disgruntled Disney character still entertains audiences after 90 years because “there's a little Donald in all of us.”

The cartoon duck, known for his semi-intelligible speech and short-tempered nature, celebrates his 90th birthday on Sunday after making his film debut in 1934 in the short cartoon The Wise Little Hen.

Tony Anselmo, who has played the Disney character since 1985, believes Donald has become more relevant over the years due to “more frustration than before.”

Reflecting on the character's legacy, Anselmo told the PA news agency: “I think it's because most people can relate to him because there's a little Donald in everyone from U.S.

“If you watch Walt Disney's Donald Duck cartoons, he's really a pretty good-natured guy. He likes to have fun and he has ambitions.

“He sets out to do something and it’s only when something gets in his way that he gets angry.

“So it has to go off, and I think we’re all a little bit like that.

“If we're in a hurry and we're going somewhere and we get stuck in traffic, then we get as angry as Donald.

“And when we see him throw a tantrum, it makes us laugh because we know what it’s like to be in that situation.”

The world has become much faster and more technological since Donald entered it in 1934, which Anselmo says makes his attitude more relatable.

He said: “I've been here for 64 years myself and I can tell you that in the last 10 or 20 years there's been a lot more frustration than before. »

The voice actor teased that some of Donald's upcoming storylines would see him navigating “internet-related things”, adding that he would like to see the character try to set up WiFi.

However, he confirmed that the character's namesake, former US President Donald Trump, will not feature in any future episodes, adding: “I think Donald Duck is a little more universally loved, I should say.” Not so controversial.

Donald Duck has appeared in more than 150 short films since he first hit screens, more than any other Disney character, according to the company.

The character can still be seen in Disney theme parks around the world and he received a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame and his webbed footprints were immortalized in cement outside the famous Hollywood Chinese Theater.

Anselmo believes that the “strong personalities” of Disney characters like Donald Duck and Mickey and Minnie Mouse have “set Disney apart from other studios.”

He added: “The reason these characters have lasted so long is because the integrity of their character remains intact, we don't change them, but they can be placed in relevant situations.

“So Donald is the same guy he was in 1934, but if you put him in a relevant situation, like having to deal with social media, which is frustrating, or technology, or all the frustrating things that we all have to face on a daily basis, he would react to these situations as he always has.

Although more Disney characters are added to the collection each year, Anselmo said he is saving more for Donald Duck than he was 30 years ago due to the creation of new platforms like Disney+ .

Donald Duck is celebrating his 90th anniversary with the Walt Disney Company this month.




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