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Get to Know Live Entertainment at EPCOT's Global Showcase Countries

Get to Know Live Entertainment at EPCOT's Global Showcase Countries


shopping, a key part of the EPCOT experience is daily live entertainment in the World Showcase area. Most EPCOT countries host live shows that represent modern or traditional entertainment characteristic of that nation. While these entertainments aren't typically must-do activities for most guests, they're all a nice way to pass the time for a few minutes, especially if you feel like slowly traveling the world with an ice-cold drink in hand. .

Also note that the live entertainment offering typically expands during the winter holidays, when traditional storytellers will be stationed in most countries.


Please note that you can find the schedules for each of these animators on the My Disney Experience application. Schedules vary daily and shows may be canceled or postponed due to inclement weather conditions. (Click on the pictures to enlarge.)


A live mariachi band, Mariachi Cobre, plays several times a day. Each performance lasts about 20 to 25 minutes, but you can stop for just a song or two while you head to the nearby margarita stand.

You'll also find Donald Duck, sporting a darling sombrero, greeting guests several times a day.


The only official live entertainment at the Norwegian Pavilion is character greetings. You can find Anna and Elsa at the Royal Sommerhaus. And if you have a meal reservation at Akershus, you will be dining with princesses.


Mulan greets guests at the back of the Reflections of China building.


Snow White greets guests at the location on the left, just outside the Germany pavilion, as you face the pavilion.


Sergio, a juggling and mime act, performs several times a day in the Italian courtyard. Spectators are sometimes invited to participate in the show!

Sergio performing in Italy

EPCOT's festivals, which run almost year-round, always feature artists on stage at the America Gardens pavilion. These range from old bands to current Broadway performers. Additionally, several times a day you will see the Voices of Freedom singing inside the American Pavilion. Their harmonious renditions of American standards and patriotic tunes are often breathtaking.


Matsuriza, a Japanese Taiko drum group, performs several times a day on the upper level of the pagoda.

The battery in Japan

Atlas Fusion plays on a small stage near the World Showcase walkway. They perform traditional Gnawa and Moroccan music.

Princess Jasmine welcomes guests inside the Moroccan housing complex.

Fusion Atlas

Belle welcomes guests on the walkway between the France and Morocco pavilions. Princess Aurora (aka Sleeping Beauty) greets you at the gazebo near the water on her way to the Ratatouille ride.

United Kingdom

Winnie the Pooh and other friends from Hundred Acre Wood greet guests at the back of the Crown & Crest Shop, while Alice (of Wonderland fame) periodically appears outside the Tea Caddy Shop.


The Canada Mill Stage hosts a rotating selection of modern Canadian musical groups. Previous bands included Alberta Bound, Bodh'aktan, Raffy, Surot, Cormier & Friends and Les Raftsmen.

Performing on the Canadian stage

In addition to entertainment in each country, a multimedia show and fireworks are organized in the evening at the World Showcase center. It's a nice way to end any evening at EPCOT.

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