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Prime Video's Reacher Adds a Key Player and Everyone Says the Same Thing

Prime Video's Reacher Adds a Key Player and Everyone Says the Same Thing


Quick summary

Olivier Richters, aka “the Dutch Giant”, has been cast in Reacher S3 and apparently everyone is impressed that he surpasses Reacher himself.

Reach is great in more ways than one. The titanic giant character has been a huge hit for Amazon Prime Video in its first two seasons by anchoring a no-nonsense, action-packed show.

Amazon has bragged about its success, so we know it has at least a few seasons left, and a major casting update just got tongues wagging ahead of its third outing.

Alan Ritchson is no small man, successfully embodying the size and power of Jack Reacher in a way that Tom Cruise unfortunately never could, but in the novel Persuadewhich seems to be adapted for the third season of the series, an even greater threat appears.

Paul “Paulie” Masserella is an article in this book, and memorable because of how he is specifically described as being much more massive than even Reacher:

“He was a very big guy. I'm six foot five inches tall and I have to concentrate pretty carefully to get through a standard thirty inch door. This guy was at least six inches taller than me and probably ten inches wider than my shoulders. It probably weighed two hundred pounds, maybe more.

It's literally a tall order when you're a casting director, but it seems Reacher has managed to find his Paulie in Olivier Richters, an absolutely enormous actor whose nickname says it all: “The Dutch Giant.”

This news was greeted with admiration by many observers and prompted virtually everyone on social media to make the same joke about Reach casting an even bigger man.

For some, this took the form of false amazement, as User of account“There's someone…bigger than Reacher??”

Others became more analytical, with another Shows X running the numbers for people: “That's how you do it. Have a guy who's 72,345 years old raise the stakes for reference. Alan Ritchson is 63,240 years old. It's going to be a really fun third season.”

They're worth focusing on, though, because the key detail really is that Olivier Richters is over seven feet tall, so he'll authentically tower over Reacher in the way their various scenes together demand.

What we don't need to follow up with this casting news is anything firm on a release date for the next season of Reach but you can pass the time before hearing more dreaming about the fights these two massive guys will cook up.




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