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Kangana Slams Bollywood Over Slapping Incident, Her Explosive Posts Revealed!

Kangana Slams Bollywood Over Slapping Incident, Her Explosive Posts Revealed!


Kangana Ranaut Slams Bollywood Over Shocking Slapping IncidentKangana Ranaut Slams Bollywood Over Shocking Slapping Incident
Source: Ndtv

Kangana slams Bollywood for slapping incident due to her silence. Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has slammed the film industry for not speaking out over a recent incident in which an actor was allegedly slapped. In now-deleted Instagram posts, she accused her colleagues of being hypocrites and remaining silent when it suited them.

Kangana slams Bollywood for slapping incident Kangana slams Bollywood for slapping incident

Known for speaking her mind

Ranaut is known for not holding back her opinions. She often calls on Bollywood for various issues. His latest comments continue this trend, accusing the industry of only speaking out when it suits them.

The slapping incident

Ranaut did not name the people involved in the slapping incident, but they are likely to be two well-known actors from a recent event. The altercation was caught on camera and went viral, but many Bollywood stars have not commented.

Kangana slams Bollywood for slapping incident

In her articles, Ranaut wrote: When your people are publicly humiliated, you remain silent. Where is your outrage now? She wonders why the industry, quick to speak out on social issues, remains silent on this subject. She suggested the silence was due to fear or a lack of real support.

Selective outrage

Ranaut said Bollywood only shows outrage when it benefits them. She pointed out that the industry talks about certain issues but ignores its own problems. Be prepared for the day when this silence comes back to haunt you, she warned, suggesting that ignoring these questions could have bad results later.

Kangana slams Bollywood for slapping incident Kangana slams Bollywood for slapping incident
Source: Ndtv

Mixed reactions

Although his posts were deleted, they quickly spread online. Some praised her for having the courage to speak out, while others said she was using the incident for her own gain. Some in the industry, speaking anonymously, admitted they were uncomfortable with her approach, but acknowledged she had valid points.

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The problem of silence

Bollywood's tendency to remain silent on internal matters is not new. Many in the industry have alluded to issues such as harassment and favoritism. Ranaut's outburst brought these issues back to the forefront, raising questions about the inner workings of the industry.

Impact on career

The controversy surrounding Ranaut is unlikely to harm her career. Known for her independence, she often challenges Bollywood norms. Her willingness to speak out, even if it leads to backlash, has won over her fans who see her as a fighter against the industry's problems.

Need for change

The incident shows the need for open conversations in Bollywood. The industry's influence makes it important that it publicly addresses its issues. Ranaut's posts, although deleted, in which she Kangana criticizes Bollywood for the slapping incident. This started a necessary debate about accountability among public figures.


Kangana criticizes Bollywood for her slapping incident, highlighting the need for accountability and honesty in the industry. Although his approach may be controversial, the questions it raises are important. As Bollywood continues to grow, it is hoped that such incidents will lead to more openness and support within the industry.




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