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Queer Reads: TCM goes gay with “Hollywood Pride” by Alonso Duralde

Queer Reads: TCM goes gay with “Hollywood Pride” by Alonso Duralde
Queer Reads: TCM goes gay with “Hollywood Pride” by Alonso Duralde


For generations, members of the LGBTQ+ community in Hollywood had to be private about their lives, but they were everywhere, in front of and behind the camera. With Hollywood pridereleased in May, renowned film critic and former Dallas Voice contributor Alonso Duralde presents a history that spans from the dawn of cinema to the pansy craze of the 1930s and the new queer cinema of the 1990s till today.

Hollywood Pride: a celebration of LGBTQ+ representation and perseverance in cinema is now available in hardback ($40) and published by Running Press and Turner Classic Movies. The title is also available as an e-book.

Duralde profiles the actors, writers, directors, producers, cinematographers, art directors and choreographers whose achievements have defined the American film industry and traces the evolution of LGBTQ+ storytelling and how mainstream Hollywood has depicted (or erased) life and queer lives and the narratives created. by queer filmmakers who fought to tell these stories themselves.

Highlights include a look at the first generation of queer actors such as J. Warren Kerrigan, Ramon Novarro and William Haines; early cinema pioneers like Alla Nazimova and FW Murnau who helped shape the new medium of cinema; and sex symbols, both male (Rock Hudson, Tab Hunter, and Anthony Perkins) and female (Lizabeth Scott and Greta Garbo), who lived under threat of undermining their public personas.

Pages examines underground filmmakers Kenneth Anger and John Waters, who made strides in LGBTQ+ representation with Hollywood productions in the 1960s and 1970s and paved the way for all of Hollywood's openly queer figures today .

Illustrated with more than 175 color and black and white images, Hollywood pride shows the future of LGBTQ+ representation in cinema by revealing the community's history of inclusion and erasure.

Duralde is chief American film critic for The Film Verdict, author of Organize a Little Christmas movie, 101 must-see films for Gay Men and the co-author of I will be home for Christmas Movies. He is the co-host of the Linoleum knife, maximum film!And All day breakfast podcasts and discussed movies on CNN, PBS, TCM and ABC.

From staff reports




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