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Kartik Aaryan says as a foreigner he lives with the fear that any Friday will be my last: I have no other replacement | Bollywood News

Kartik Aaryan says as a foreigner he lives with the fear that any Friday will be my last: I have no other replacement |  Bollywood News


When Kartik Aaryan burst onto the Indian cinema scene with Luv Ranjan's Pyaar Ka Punchnama, his remarkable monologue became an instant hit. Kartik acknowledges that for a considerable period he was known as the “monologue guy”, until his role in Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety earned him the fame he enjoys today. As he prepares for the release of Champion Chandu directed by Kabir Khan, Kartik remains vocal about his journey, gracefully embracing the 'outsider' label and attributing his success to hard work.

Reflecting on the persistent “outsider” label, Kartik told Hindustan Times: “It is what it is. When I started my Bollywood journey, I didn't know anyone here. And as it happens so far, things are the same. Everything is the same for me. Some Fridays are successful and others are not. But the fact remains that I was never an insider, Kartik added.

Acknowledging his origins outside the industry, he admitted that the fear of a sudden end to his career did not leave him. He added: “It’s a state of mind that will stay with me. Until now, I believe that any Friday can also be a last Friday. This is the echo that continues to resonate in my mind. Ke kahin mera pack up na ho jaaye (I hope it’s not a pack up for my career).”

For Kartik, his journey in Bollywood has been an open tale, seen by all, highs and lows, with a fair number of hits and misses at the box office. He admitted that he is aware of the lack of “backup” for him and therefore he focuses on working hard on every project he takes on. Maybe at some point I (know I) have no other backup. I have nowhere to go and may not get a second or third chance. It’s the fear that is constant in my head, he lamented.

Kartik, who is often asked about being an 'outsider' in this industry and making it big even though he is not an 'insider' or part of any camp, said I am proud of this trip, and that's why I'm being more vocal about it. And it's a good thing. Anyone who succeeded on their own should be really proud of it, he shares with pride.

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Even though Kartik has established himself as a bankable star with box office successes, he remains down-to-earth, wary of the fleeting nature of success in Bollywood. He tasted success with Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 but Love Aaj Kal turned out to be a disaster. His film Shehzada also received a mixed response at the box office. You can't take success for granted. In fact, sometimes I even hesitate to talk about success… You can call it superstition, or nazar lag jaati hai. I'm just doing my job. I hope people continue to show their love and interest in what I do. I will continue to work as I have been doing and I will not focus on failures or successes, he said.

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