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Tens of thousands at LA Pride Parade and Block Party in Hollywood

Tens of thousands at LA Pride Parade and Block Party in Hollywood


LOS ANGELES Los Angeles Tourism will join the 54thannual LA Pride festivities in June thanks to its support of the organization and its annual programming of events. LA Pride is one of the largest Pride celebrations in the United States and around the world.

Throughout LA Pride, local Angelenos and travelers can book a nearby hotel with the best available rates and enjoy welcome amenities, discounts and more at select properties.

LA Pride beautifully captures the spirit of our City of Angels with its emphasis on unity, inclusiveness and self-expression, said Adam Burke, president and CEO of the Los Angeles Tourism & Convention Board. We are incredibly proud to invite our fellow Angelenos and travelers from around the world to join us in celebrating our LGBTQ+ community.

LA Pride returns, promising an incredible lineup of events, including LA Pride in the Park with Ricky Martin headlining, the LA Pride Parade & Block Party on Hollywood Boulevard, LGBTQ+ Pride Night at Dodger Stadium and PRIDE is Universal.

Pride in the Park will take place on Saturday, June 8, 2024 on more than 20 acres of lush green space at Los Angeles State Historic Park. The event will feature dozens of local and LGBTQ+ vendors, a wide variety of food and drinks, beer gardens and special programming. The global icon Ricky Martin will headline LA Pride in the Park, with additional artists to be revealed. As the first openly gay Latino artist to take center stage at LA Pride, this also marks Martin's first-ever Pride headlining performance, anywhere.

The series of events during LA Pride includes the iconic Los Angeles Pride Parade which will be held on Sunday June 9, 2024 in the Hollywood Boulevard area. More than 150 contingents will parade this year on the theme Power in Pride. The route will take Hollywood Blvd and surrounding streets. Those who cannot come in person can watch a live broadcast on ABC7.

LA Pride exudes a vibrant tapestry of acceptance, unity and celebration throughout the year, shared Gerald Garth, President of the LA Pride/Christopher Street West Board of Directors. This is a testament to our city’s unwavering commitment to welcoming diversity and fostering an inclusive spirit that transcends borders.

Other major LA Pride events include LA Pride in The Park, Parade Block Party, LGBTQ+ evening at Dodger Stadium And Pride is universal. Read on for details on major events and hotel deals throughout Pride.

For more information on how to celebrate Pride in Los Angeles,


LA Pride in the park on June 8th

Return to LA State Historic Park for a talented music lineup, dozens of food trucks, sponsor giveaways and activities and much more. LA Pride in The Park will take place on Saturday June 8th. It all happens on more than 20 acres of lush green space with views of the DTLA skyline. Ricky Martin will headline LA Pride in the Park, with additional artists to be revealed. Tickets can be purchased here.

Parade block party on June 9th

Don't forget the fun Parade Block Party on June 9th, a free block party adjacent to the parade, open from noon until evening. With a performance stage, a large vendor village, food, pop-up bars and much more. Last year, 35,000 people enjoyed this free parade after-party, don't miss it! Talents and other announcements to come!

LGBTQ+ Pride Night at Dodger Stadium on June 14th

Come watch the Dodgers take on the Kansas City Royals with LA Pride pre-game festivities featuring a DJ party and Pride merchandise for special ticket holders, available only at

Pride is universal June 15th

Our exclusive after-hours theme park takeover is a fan favorite. Pride is Universal will feature live DJs, meet-and-greets with Universal characters, photo ops and more, with musical guests, drag performers and all new elements this year. Schedules, details and new features to be announced. Tickets will go on sale soon.


Visitors coming to Los Angeles to celebrate Pride June 8-11 can stay and slay with a collection of hotel deals specially curated by Los Angeles Tourism to accommodate revelers from around the world. Featured hotel deals are listed below.

Dream hotel in Hollywood

Nestled among the picturesque Hollywood Hills, Dream Hollywood features 178 playful and sophisticated guest rooms with subtle nods to Los Angeles' signature mid-century modern aesthetic. Offering accommodations with stunning views of Tao, Beauty & Essex and The Highlight Room, one of the chicest rooftop pools in Los Angeles. Book the best available rate here.

Godfrey Hotel Hollywood

Exuding the energy of Old Hollywood and just steps from Sunset Blvd, the new Godfrey Hotel features one of the largest rooftops in Los Angeles, four on-site bars, various indoor and outdoor event spaces and About Last Knife, an energetic restaurant led by a leader. gastropub-meets-steakhouse. LA Pride Staycation: Celebrate Love with The Godfrey and Receive 15% Off Best Available Rate here.

Hollywood Hotel The Hollywood Hotel

Contemporary accommodations meet the epitome of Hollywood glamor at the Hollywood Hotel. From a sparkling pool to the Route 66 Bistro Bar & Lounge, the historic Hollywood Hotel reflects classic movie star style in every way. Visit the hotel website for the best available rate here.

The Hollywood Roosevelt

The Hollywood Roosevelt is a complete lifestyle destination, fusing entertainment, art, culture, design and music all around the property while offering a glimpse into its past. Visit the hotel website for the best available rate here.

Kimpton Everly Hollywood

Kimpton Everly Hollywood is a breath of fresh air in the middle of one of the most historic neighborhoods in the world. The sophisticated residential ambiance steeped in Hollywood Hills invites extended and intimate interaction in the café, lounge and skyline pool. Book hotels at the best available rate here.

Loews Hollywood Hotel

The Loews Hollywood Hotel rises 20 stories above the famous intersection of Hollywood and Highlands. Spectacular views of the iconic Hollywood sign and the Los Angeles cityscape pave the way to 628 guest rooms, including 113 spacious suites, as well as the rooftop pool. *Use CODE: PRIDE to receive 2 free cocktails at H2 Kitchen & Bar and a free suite upgrade. Website here.

Shelter mom

Designed by Thierry Gaugain to honor the beauty of the SoCal landscape, Mama Shelter LA features five floors of uniquely decorated rooms, each a peaceful haven in itself. 70 rooms have king-size beds adorned with 5* sheets worthy of a movie star! The hotel has one of the best rooftop bars in Los Angeles, while the dining options will appeal to carnivores and vegans alike. Check the hotel website for the best available rate here.

Sheraton Universal

Nestled beneath the Hollywood Hills, the Sheraton Universal Hotel is just steps from Universal Studios Hollywood and CityWalk. Relax in the poolside lounge or be dazzled by 270-degree views of Hollywood from the 20-foot windows of the rooftop Starview Room. Book hotels at the best available rate here.

Thompson Hollywood

Thompson Hollywood is a new luxury hotel that brings elevated service and a laid-back California ambiance to the heart of Hollywood. The hotel features 190 sophisticated rooms and 16 suites, a rooftop pool with stunning views of Los Angeles, and a state-of-the-art fitness center. World-class dining and nightlife destinations include chef Lincoln Carsons' French-inspired rooftop lounge Bar Lis, Mes Amis, and The Terrace, which pairs European dishes with Californian views. Use CODE: STAY PROUD to benefit from the best available rate + bottle of wine + 10% donation to the Hollywood LGBT Center. Website here.

Tommie Hollywood

Settle in comfortably California style at Tommie Hollywood. There's a stylish rooftop pool, fitness center, and terrace bar in the heart of Los Angeles. This 4-star hotel includes award-winning chef Wes Avila's latest restaurant, Ka'teen. Use code: STAY PROUD to book the best available rate and receive a welcome gift and bottle of wine, plus a 10% donation to the Hollywood LGBT Center here.

W Hollywood Hotel & Residences

Welcome to the new Hollywood. W Hollywood brings together the magnetic spirit of the Golden Era, infused with epic innovation, elegance and excitement. Welcome backstage, where W guests are insiders in the vivid spotlight. Receive 10% off your hotel stay and a welcome gift. Website here.

When you're not celebrating Los Angeles Pride at the parade or many events around the city, celebrate by visiting one of the many LGBTQ+ restaurants around Los Angeles. Start inVillain Silverlake for Mexican food, stop byLiberation Caféfor a latte and end the evening atn / Awhich was featured in season 1 of Netflixs Chefs Table. n/naka is your ultimate destination for fine Japanese cuisine. Check out the complete guide to LGBTQ-owned restaurants in Los Angeleshere.

For more information,,follow,or @discoverLA onTwitter,InstagramAndTic Tac.




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