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Jaclyn Victor announces her very first solo concert

Jaclyn Victor announces her very first solo concert


The talented singer, who rose to fame after winning the Malaysian Idol title 20 years ago, never imagined that her long-held hope would finally come true this October.

Jaclyn Victor's first ever solo concert will take place on October 14 at Zepp KL in Kuala Lumpur.  - Archive photo by Bernama

Jaclyn Victor's first ever solo concert will take place on October 14 at Zepp KL in Kuala Lumpur. – Archive photo by Bernama

PUTRAJAYA – Performing a solo concert is certainly every artist’s dream. Malaysian singer known for her powerful voice Jaclyn Victor is no exception.

The talented singer, who rose to fame after winning the Malaysian Idol title 20 years ago, never imagined that her long-held hope would finally come true this October. Her first ever solo concert, Jaclyn Victor First Solo Concert, will take place on October 14 at Zepp KL in Kuala Lumpur.

Speaking at a press conference recently, the 45-year-old singer, whose full name is Jaclyn Joshua Thanaraj Victor, said she considers the golden opportunity a “very meaningful gift in her career and she was determined not to waste this chance.” to entertain her fans who often ask her when she plans to perform solo on stage.

“This gig is very meaningful to me. It's a huge milestone and this 20-year period in the industry is the best time for me to 'give back' to everyone who has supported my career. It's not easy to stay relevant in the industry without the tremendous support of fans.

“I'm very excited and I want to do my best for all my fans who will be there,” she said.

The Gemilang singer said she turned down several other offers to perform this year because she wanted to focus on preparing for her solo concert.

“I've been thinking about doing this concert since last year, especially since this year marks my 20th year in the industry. Plus, I have friends who are experts in this field (organizing concerts).

“This year I am focusing on this (solo concert), so I have politely declined all other offers (to perform). If I get offers next year, I may consider them,” he said. she declared, adding that her concert would be organized by Rag Doll Records in collaboration with Banyak Bagus Entertainment and Awake Production.

Regarding her preparations, Jacyln said she is focusing on her voice.

“For now, I need to rest enough because I will be singing non-stop. I also avoid eating unnecessary things; I am a singer, my voice is my gift.

“As for the choice of songs, outfits or guest singers, we have not finalized them yet. It will be a surprise for the audience,” she said, adding that she hoped to sing more than 25 songs at the concert.

Tickets for the concert are available from today at -BERNAMA




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