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The Pride parade and celebration will take place on the streets of Hollywood on Sunday.

The Pride parade and celebration will take place on the streets of Hollywood on Sunday.
The Pride parade and celebration will take place on the streets of Hollywood on Sunday.


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HOLLYWOOD, LOS ANGELES (KABC) — The Pride Parade and Los Angeles Pride Party will take to the streets of Hollywood on Sunday, continuing the two-day celebration of Pride Month.

Traditionally, the parade and festival attracts more than 100,000 people, not only to watch the procession, but also to enjoy the food, drinks, entertainment and shows throughout the day.

Watch the 2024 Los Angeles Pride Parade today at 11 a.m. on ABC7 or in the video player above.

The parade will begin at 11 a.m. on Highland Avenue and Sunset Boulevard, then head north on Highland, east on Hollywood Boulevard, south on Cahuenga Boulevard and return to Sunset.

Activist and Star Trek actor George Takei will be the Icon Grand Marshal.

“As a witness to the struggles and triumphs of our community over the years, I am filled with gratitude for the progress we have made and inspired to continue the fight for full acceptance and equality for all,” a- he declared in a press release. .

Professional wrestler Cassandro, The Exotic, will serve as Legacy Grand Marshal, while Los Angeles Fire Chief Kristin Crowley – the agency's first openly gay chief – will serve as Community Grand Marshal.

“These individuals embody this year’s theme, ‘The Power of Pride,’ not only through their own accomplishments, but also through their unwavering commitment to promoting LGBTQ+ rights and visibility,” said Gerald Garth, president, in a press release from the board of directors. of Christopher Street West, sponsor of the event. “As this year's grand marshals, you embody the essence of empowerment, showing us that our differences are not obstacles, but sources of strength. Together, they inspire us to embrace our identities and do break down barriers.”

Crowley said she was thrilled to receive the title of community grand marshal.

“This recognition is not only a reflection of my own efforts, but a testament to the hard work and dedication of all those who have fought for LGBTQ rights and equality.”

The parade will be hosted by “Good Morning America” ​​weekend co-anchor Gio Bentez and ABC7 anchor Ellen Leyva. ABC7 broadcast the parade live.

Los Angeles kicked off a weekend-long celebration of Pride Month on Saturday with a party at Los Angeles State Historic Park that included a series of musical performances, capped by headliner Ricky Martin.

The LA Pride Block Party will follow the parade from noon to 8 p.m. on Hollywood Boulevard, between Vine and Gower streets. The free event will feature vendor and information booths, a beer garden, food trucks and live entertainment.

Los Angeles Pride festivities began Saturday with Pride in the Park at Los Angeles State Historic Park. The day-long event concluded with a concert featuring iconic superstar Ricky Martin.

City News Service contributed to this report.

Copyright 2024 KABC Television, LLC. All rights reserved.




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