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Florida begins 2024 with record tourism | News | Daily Sun Villages

Florida begins 2024 with record tourism |  News |  Daily Sun Villages


Florida's tourism industry is hotter than a hot sidewalk on a summer afternoon.

The state welcomed 40.6 million visitors from January to March, the highest number ever recorded for a single quarter, according to Visit Florida. The revised figures also show that approximately 140.6 million people visited Florida in 2023, a new record for the state and a 2.3% increase over 2022 visitation numbers.

Once again, Florida leads the nation as an unrivaled tourism destination, Governor Ron DeSantis said. These record numbers show our work has made the Free State of Florida even more attractive to visitors.

The number of tourists doesn't seem to be slowing down now that summer has started. The state continues to be a top destination thanks to its beaches, theme parks, nightlife and other attractions.

Florida continues to welcome visitors with open arms, said Dana Young, president and CEO of Visit Florida. Record attendance recorded in 2023 and continuing through the first quarter of 2024 reaffirms Florida's status as a must-see destination for travelers around the world.

During the first quarter of the year, approximately 37.2 million domestic travelers visited the country. This is the highest number of domestic travelers ever recorded in a quarter, according to Visit Florida. About 2.1 million visitors came from abroad and about 1.3 million from Canada.

Florida's theme parks, particularly in the Orlando area, are one of the main reasons for Florida's tourism industry to boom. And as school gives way to summer, more travelers are expected to visit the many parks the state has to offer.

The International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions expects a 2% increase in attendance at North American theme parks this year.

As the weather warms, many people are thinking about the classic summer vacation, said Jakob Wahl, president and CEO of IAAPA. We are seeing consumers shift away from material spending and instead invest in family travel and memories.

Florida theme parks are seeing increased traffic, especially as new rides and attractions open this summer, like DreamWorks Land at Universal Studios Orlando, which opens Friday, and Tianas Bayou Adventure at Walt Disney World Resorts Magic Kingdom , which will have its grand opening. June 28.

Florida airports have also been very busy this year.

Nineteen of Florida's airports saw an increase in passengers boarding a plane, 9.4% in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the first quarter of 2023, according to Visit Florida. Domestic enplanements at Florida's 19 airports increased 8.9% from January to March of this year compared to the same period last year.

Orlando International Airport was the state's busiest airport in the first quarter, with Miami International Airport in second place.

MCO recorded approximately 7.6 million boardings, an increase of 6.8% compared to the first quarter of 2023. MIA recorded approximately 7.5 million boardings from January to March of this year. This represents an increase of approximately 12.1% from the first quarter of 2023, according to Visit Florida.

Airport officials don't expect the numbers to slow down for the summer.

MIA's summer travel season kicks off Memorial Day weekend, and it started off with a bang this year.

The airport welcomed around 160,000 passengers each day over the holiday weekend. Passenger numbers are expected to increase by 10% this summer and beat last year's record.

Tampa International Airport expects nearly 3.4 million passengers during the summer travel months, which begin Memorial Day weekend and continue through mid-August.

TPA expects passenger numbers to increase by around 4%, or around 71,000 passengers per day compared to the same period in 2023.

Locally, Groome Transportation has seen its business grow each year as more people settle in the area and travel in and out of the state.

The transportation company, which offers airport shuttles to and from Orlando International Airport that pick up customers at train stations in Spanish Springs, Lake Sumter Landing and Brownwood, as well as door-to-door pickups, has added more shuttles and of services to meet growing demand. with Florida's travel industry.

Groome has gone from operating door-to-door pickups and shuttles per hour to twice per hour. Services now run about 43 times a day to meet demand, said Josten Rowan, district manager for Groome Transportations' Florida market.

The business started the summer with a busy Memorial Day weekend that forced staff to stop reserving shuttles for customers because they were all full, Rowan said.

The July 4th weekend will be another time when business picks up with vacationers.

It's usually pretty steady in the summer, Rowan said.

Senior writer Summer Jarro can be reached at 352-753-1119, ext. 20.5404, or [email protected].




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