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Priyanka Chopra agrees with Zeenat Aman's message on moral policing in the 70s, offers her words of support | Bollywood

Priyanka Chopra agrees with Zeenat Aman's message on moral policing in the 70s, offers her words of support |  Bollywood


Zeenat Aman's Instagram posts have become known for their nostalgia. On Monday, she shared a series of photos of herself wearing “flirty and sexy” dresses for one of her films, recalling working in the 70s in Bollywood. She detailed how the moral police “had fun” with her 1974 film Manoranjan. Priyanka Chopra said in the comments section that “the moral police are still there.” Read also : Twinkle Khanna reacts to Zeenat Aman's post about mom Dimple Kapadia

Zeenat Amaz played a sex worker in the 1974 film Manoranjan.
Zeenat Amaz played a sex worker in the 1974 film Manoranjan.

Last message from Zeenat Aman

Zeenat, who played the role of a sex worker in the Shammi Kapoor-directed film, shared a photo of herself in a red dress, Manoranjan's poster showing her with co-stars Shammi and Sanjeev Kumar, as well just a glimpse behind the scenes. photo of the whole.

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In her caption, she wrote, “If I've had one loyal companion throughout my career, it's the moral police. And boy, did they have fun with this one! Manoranjan challenged existing conventions. It was an adaptation of the fabulous 1963 American comedy film Irma Le Douce, and it starred me in the lead role of Nisha, a sex worker with a sense of dignity, of independence. and humor.

She mentioned that the film was Shammi Kapoors first film, with RD Burman as music director and Sanjeev Kumar as leading man, adding that producer FC Mehra was a family friend. Zeenat said they shot the film entirely in studios in Mumbai.

“She has never apologized for the way she makes her living.”

Speaking more about her character in the film, Zeenat wrote, “Nisha was not a damsel in distress! Her outfits were flirty and sexy, but more importantly, she was unapologetic about the way she made a living He was a character I could enjoy being sexually liberated, financially independent and fully capable of fighting with and rejecting any man.

Zeenat on her 'exciting shower sequence'

She then shared how she was a director's actress, and Shammi Kapoor 'coaxed' one of her best performances with this film. Zeenat wrote, “The music and costumes were also fun. In Aaya hoon main tujhko le jaoonga we dance on gigantic musical instruments, Chori Chori Solah Singar (sung by Asha ji) has an exciting shower sequence, and Dulhan Maike Chali is fully featured in a police van full of sex workers being taken to the police station and was sung by the three Mangeshkar sisters If you're interested, you can watch them on YouTube!

Zeenat added, “The 70s were a wonderful time to be alive! Despite the moral police (they're still there), the atmosphere of experimentation, freedom and fashion was second to none!”

Reactions to his message

Reacting to his post, Priyanka Chopra wrote, “The moral police are still there and will continue to be there it seems! But you are beyond that (heart eyes emoji).” Fashion designer Manish Malhotra commented: You look stunning in the film, I loved the music too.

Actor Archana Puran Singh wrote: Of course, I remember watching this absolutely amazing film in the theaters of the small town of Dehradun! And what an experience it was. Even though I was very young, I was fascinated by the world that was being created and my parents had no hesitation in sending a young girl to watch a film on this subject (I wonder if it had an A certificate and if, somehow I was still allowed Those times were different and the parents weren't very well informed I guess, but I'm glad I was able to watch a movie that! has remained in my memory to this day.

After her troubled marriage to actor Mazhar Khan in 1985, Zeenat began appearing in fewer films. They remained married until his death in 1998. With Mazhar, she had two sons, Azaan Khan and Zahaan Khan. She will soon make her acting comeback with Showstopper.




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