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Actor Noor Malabika Das's family breaks silence on her death, says she suffered from depression: she was fighting | Web series

Actor Noor Malabika Das's family breaks silence on her death, says she suffered from depression: she was fighting |  Web series


Actor Noor Malabika Das, who was seen with Kajol in the 2023 web series The Trial, was found dead in his Mumbai apartment, police said on Monday. They suspect she committed suicide. Now, according to a report According to the Times of India, his family said that the late actor suffered from depression. Read also : Who was Noor Malabika Das? Everything you need to know about The Trial actor found dead in his Mumbai apartment

Noor Malabika Das reportedly died on June 6 in Mumbai.
Noor Malabika Das reportedly died on June 6 in Mumbai.

“She went to Mumbai with high hopes”

Noor Malabika Das hails from Assams Karimganj. His paternal aunt Arati Das spoke to the media from their family home in Karimganj and said about the late actor: She went to Mumbai with high hopes of becoming an actress. However, she fought hard to achieve it. We understand that Malabika was not satisfied with her achievements, which forced her to take this extreme step.

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Learn more about Noor

Noor Malabika Das has worked in Hindi films and web series. Before entering showbiz, she worked as a flight attendant at Qatar Airways. She has made appearances in Siskiyaan, Walkaman, Teekhi Chatni, Jaghanya Upaya, Charamsukh, Dekhi Andekhi, Backroad Hustle, among others. She was last seen in Kajol and Jisshu Sengupta's The Trial.

The police celebrated their last rites on Sunday

ANI reported that Noor Malabika Das's neighbors had informed the police after noticing a foul smell coming from her house, and that her body was “recovered in a state of decomposition” from her apartment in Lokhandwala.

According to a report On June 6, at noon, police found the body of Noor Malabika Das in her apartment in Lokhandwala. Police reportedly recovered drugs, his cell phone and diary during the search of the house.

According to the Mid-Day report, despite efforts to contact his family, no one came forward and so the police carried out the last rites on Sunday with the help of the NGO Mamdani Health and Education Trust, which takes care of the cremation of unclaimed bodies. in the city.


If you need support or know someone who does, please contact your nearest mental health specialist. Helplines: Aasra: 022 2754 6669; Sneha India Foundation: +914424640050 and Sanjivini: 011-24311918




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