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Update on How I Met your Mother actor who allegedly 'stabbed his girlfriend 20 times and tried to flee the country'

Update on How I Met your Mother actor who allegedly 'stabbed his girlfriend 20 times and tried to flee the country'


Update on How I Met your Mother actor who allegedly 'stabbed his girlfriend 20 times and tried to flee the country'

Authorities have released the latest news on the actor suspected of stabbing his ex “multiple times” and trying to flee.

Authorities released the latest update on how I Met Your Mother actor Nick Pasqual accused of attacking his girlfriend and trying to flee the country.

On May 23 around 4:30 a.m., makeup artist Allie Shehorn was attacked at her home in Los Angeles. She was stabbed multiple times and then hospitalized in critical condition, with authorities later issuing an arrest warrant for Pasqual on suspicion of the attack.

Nick Pasqual appeared in an episode of How I Met Your Mother.  (CBS)

Nick Pasqual appeared in an episode of How I Met Your Mother. (CBS)

Pasqual was previously reported to have had a relationship with Shehorn and according to According to the LA Times, Shehorn had filed a restraining order against the actor for alleged domestic violence just days before the attack.

The restraining order was reportedly approved by a senior Los Angeles County judge, but it is unclear whether it was served on Pasqual before the incident.

When Shehorn failed to show up for work on May 23, the alarm bells were raised and shortly after, she was discovered by her roommate who claims she had been stabbed “over 20 times.”

The makeup artist was rushed to the hospital and the court later issued a $1.075 million arrest warrant for Pasqual, Variety. reports.

However, at this point, the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office reports the actor – also appearing in television and film as Rebel Moon And Jobs – would have “fled”.

Allie Shehorn was allegedly stabbed more than 20 times.  (GoFundMe)

Allie Shehorn was allegedly stabbed more than 20 times. (GoFundMe)

Pasqual was then arrested at a checkpoint in Sierra Blanca, Texas.

He has since been charged with “one count of attempted murder; one count of first-degree residential burglary in the presence of a person; and one count of injuring a spouse, common-law partner, fiancé, boyfriend, girlfriend or parent of a child.

Shehorn reportedly underwent emergency surgery for her injuries and spent several days in the intensive care unit.

A GoFundMe was created by his friends to “support” his recovery.

A GoFundMe has been created to support Shehorn.  (Instagram/@jedimaster34)

A GoFundMe has been created to support Shehorn. (Instagram/@jedimaster34)

The page bed: “Allie is now in hospital fighting for her life, in critical condition.

“Allie is a remarkable person, full of warmth, kindness and love. No one deserves to endure such a traumatic experience, especially someone as compassionate and caring as Allie. The road to recovery will be long and arduous, but with your support, we can help ease her burden and provide her with the financial assistance she desperately needs.

The latest update says Shehorn is “feeling better” and “doing her best to stay positive,” but there are “complications.”

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón said in a statement: “My thoughts and sincere sympathies are with the victim of this horrific incident.

“Our office, including our Office of Victim Services, is providing support and resources as she embarks on the long and difficult journey of healing from the physical and emotional trauma inflicted on her…

“We will ensure that the person responsible for this egregious act is held accountable for their actions.”

The case continues to be investigated by the Los Angeles Police Department and “no arraignment date has yet been set.”

UNILAD has contacted representatives of Nick Pasqual for comment.

Featured image credit: Getty Images/Maury Phillips/Instagram/jedimaster34

Topics: Film & Television, Celebrity, Crime, American News, Sex & Relationships




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