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Danger! The competitor explains that his small daily double bet cost him the game? | Entertainment

Danger!  The competitor explains that his small daily double bet cost him the game?  |  Entertainment


[Warning: The below contains MAJOR spoilers for the June 10 episode of Jeopardy!]

Could a Daily Double bet have changed the entire outcome of Adriana Harmeyers' ninth game?

Harmeyer, an archivist from West Lafayette, Indiana, arrived on Monday's (June 10) episode of Danger! as eight-day champion with a total winnings of $183,100. She competed against software developer Josh Fry, a native of Peachtree Corners, Georgia, and high school video production teacher Aaron Lemos, of Northridge, California.

Harmeyer got off to a good start in the firstDanger! round, in the Bunny Lit category, but Fry was close, with $2,800 to $3,800 (and Lemos had $2,000) when he chose the Daily Double, in Capitals & Their Airports. King Khalid International is its gateway, read the clue. He lost everything on a real Daily Double. (The correct answer was Riyadh.) Harmeyer led after the first round with $3,000, compared to $1,600 each for his opponents.

Harmeyer then found the second Daily Double in the Double Jeopardy! round under Monuments and memorials and correct answer. The Washington DC area memorial to this branch of service depicts a flag raising on Mount Suribachi (Marines) and added $1,500, bringing its total to $11,300. Fry found the third Daily Double in The Animal Kingdom and was trailing Harmeyer at the time ($7,200 to $10,500).

Luck for you. What are you going to bet? host Ken Jennings » asked Fry. After betting $1,500, the host noted that it was only $1,500. Fry correctly answered the clue in The Animal Kingdom: Rats must gnaw constantly because these teeth whose name means cutter grow all their lives, about 4 to 5 inches per year (incisors).

The spectator who assembled the Reddit thread for the episode noted that Fry had a golden opportunity to take first place from Harmeyer when he inexplicably made a small bet.

Another commenter then suggested that Fry definitely seems to have a very strong argument for 2sd coincidence, the candidate wrote in response, I would really like that. A fan then asked him about his bet on the Daily Double, asking: “Did you hate the category?

Fry explained, I wasn't very confident, no (especially after breathing first), and I was more concerned with not letting the game get into a runaway rather than taking the lead.

Before Final Jeopardy!, Harmeyer led with $12,100 compared to $10,700 for Frys and $1,600 for Lemos. Only Harmeyer answered correctly, in the New York Times Book Reviews: In 1958, a review of this now-classic book called it repulsive, disgusting, intellectual pornography, with Lolita. She became the nine-day champion with a total of $204,700.

A fan commented Reddit, Even Ken admitted that Adriana hadn't faced too many challenges until Josh. I was okay with his risk in the first DD, but even if he had known, he didn't know FJ. Nonetheless, good performance from him and I hope to have a few more like him.

What did you think of the Frys Daily Double bet? Let us know in the comments section below.

Danger!During the week, check local listings

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