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Exclusive: Janki Bodiwala on her Bollywood break and more

Exclusive: Janki Bodiwala on her Bollywood break and more


Great storytelling and performances have always existed in regional cinema, beyond the mainstream. These stories often inspire adaptations and remakes. It's rare to see a key player retained in the remake. This is what happened for Janki Bodiwala, who made her first appearance in Krishnadev Yagnik's Gujarati film Chhello Divas. She then appeared in Yagnik's supernatural thriller Vash. Little did she know that she will also play a role in its Hindi language remake. Shaitaan, starring big names like Ajay Devgn, Jyothika and R Madhavan, became her Bollywood debut. But it took a while for the bubbly actress to realize that she would be reprising her role. “They approached me and I later found out that Ajay Devgn played the father, Jyothika was my mother and R Madhavan was the villain.” Describing her first reaction, the actress laughs: “I was completely numb. I couldn't say anything because I don't think I even believed them. But I was jumping for joy inside.

Janki Bodiwala

If you thought Shaitaan was strange, you're not prepared for Vash, which Janki said was a darker film that took a while to find its audience. “When Vash came out, it was a very film because it had a very dark concept. Gujarati audiences are more attracted to comedies. Vash therefore represented a risk. The film slowly gained attention through word of mouth. People started talking that there was an unexpected Gujarati film in the theaters.
Janki was studying dentistry before catching the acting bug. It was during a break that she heard about the auditions for Chhello Divas. She says: “My father knew people and he encouraged me to try acting. I did and they just said we can continue with this girl. It was a shock for me. » Looking back fondly on her first film, where she was learning on the job, she says, “I was extremely lucky that the cast and crew of my first film were the nicest, kindest people. They were all trained actors. It was the director's first film. The crew was working with me for the very first time, but they didn't make me feel like an outsider because I didn't have a theater background.
Working on Shaitaan didn't just turn out to be a lesson in acting, it was also a lesson in fame and humility. “Ajay is a kind person. He is so kind and caring. I still remember we were filming in London and it was very cold. He had a heater around his area on set. The actor who plays my younger brother and I had just gone out. He saw that there was no radiator around us. And he immediately called someone and asked them to put heaters around us to keep us warm. This is something he doesn't need to do because it's not his job. But he did it and I saw how much he cares about his co-stars, no matter how junior they are.

Janki Bodiwala

Watching Ajay, Jyothika and Madhavan perform left her in awe. “They not only knew their own lines, they knew their co-stars’ lines as well. They were all very prepared, not only with the lines but also with the emotions. They really saw the bigger vision of the film. Just by watching them, I learned that you really need to do your homework before you come on set. Of course the director will guide you, but you do your part. Even after doing so many films, if they can do their homework, you also have to be vigilant when working with them,” she reveals.

Shaitaan was also his first taste of fame and what it means to be recognized as a player in Mumbai's paparazzi culture. “I attended the trailer launch of Shaitaan. It was the first time I saw the paparazzi. It was wild. The Q&A that happened there was the first promotional thing I did for the film. It was great. Also at the screening, it was fun to see people talking to you and coming up to you.

Janki Bodiwala

With conviction in her voice, Janki reveals that she is not too attracted by the glitz and glamor of Bollywood. “I would love to work in many genres. In fact, after Shaitaan, I have done another Gujarati film which is going to release soon. It doesn't matter whether it is Gujarati, Hindi or any other language. I just want to make a good film,” she concludes.




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