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Anurag Kashyap supports honest Sandeep Reddy Vanga, compares him to toxic people in Bollywood: I want to call out hypocrisy | Bollywood News

Anurag Kashyap supports honest Sandeep Reddy Vanga, compares him to toxic people in Bollywood: I want to call out hypocrisy |  Bollywood News


While director Sandeep Reddy Vangas Animal was facing criticism from all sides for its perceived glorification of extreme violence and misogyny, even industry insiders expressed concerns about the film, the ace filmmaker Anurag Kashyap surprised everyone by sharing a photo with Vanga, describing him as the most misunderstood, judged and vilified filmmaker. He also praised the film, calling it “the biggest game-changer in Hindi cinema in a very long time and a film whose impact (good or bad) cannot be denied.” And the filmmaker who takes it all head on. Great evening spent with him.

Since then, Kashyap has been frequently asked about his support for Vanga, even by his daughter Aaliyah Kashyap. Now, the Gangs of Wasseypur director has spoken about the factors that pushed him to meet Vanga. Make comparisons with your own experience when producing Bombay VelvetKashyap said seeing Vanga succeed gives him a feeling of satisfaction.

“I like this guy. I have no problem with him. Unlike a lot of people in the industry who pretend to be someone they're not, he's honest. The first type, I think, is even more toxic. But Vanga is an honest man. I love nothing more than honesty, regardless of other people's honesty issues. I love talking to him,” he said in a conversation with Zoom.

Elaborating on Animal, he said: “No one can deny the impact of Animal. It made the action scenes we had seen in movies before seem fake. It changed so much in terms of live action scenes, and it was a three and a half hour adult film. They cut my film Bombay Velvet down to two hours and fifty minutes and censored scenes because they were pushing for a U/A certificate. This is my most censored film and Pahlaj Nihalani (then chairman of the Central Board of Film Certification-CBFC) personally ensured that scenes were cut from it. I received no support. I was under so much pressure during Bombay Velvet regarding the recovery and opening of the film. But it didn't feel like me anymore. I should have been stubborn like Sandeep and fought to maintain my version. You can discuss his creative vision and he gives room to argue. But what do we generally do? We only attack and cancel people. We do not discuss or debate.

“Alright, everyone pointed out the bad things… But what about the good things? Why didn't anyone talk about it? After Dev D came out, people canceled me. After The Girl in Yellow Boots, when I was still married to Kalki, who played the lead role in the film, a critic wrote: “What kind of husband pushes his wife to play such a role?” God knows what their personal lives would be like. This is the mindset of many people. I have met such people.

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“I never had a support system. Some called me 'miserable' And 'according to.' I was easily stigmatized and felt so alone and isolated. I felt like everyone was isolating and attacking Sandeep instead of talking to him. My daughter was very upset when I posted this on Animal. My friends in the industry were upset, I called them at my house and we had a long discussion about it. I want to call out the hypocrisy of these people who criticized Animal, abused and canceled the film, then went to see it, even though they knew what it was about, and then canceled it twice,” he said. he declared.

“Why was everyone attacking Sandeep only for Animal? There were also other men and women associated with the project. Also, the film is called “Animal” and not “Human Being”. Sometimes I feel like we're too awake. We just form opinions and accuse people,” Kashyap added.

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