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7 Controversial Bollywood Movies You Must Watch On OTT | Bollywood films that sparked debate | Ott News

7 Controversial Bollywood Movies You Must Watch On OTT |  Bollywood films that sparked debate |  Ott News


From hard-hitting social commentary to political clashes, these 7 Bollywood films dared to be different. Now available on streaming platforms, these controversial gems will keep you glued to the screen.

Controversial Bollywood Movies on OTT

New Delhi: In the bustling world of Bollywood, controversies are common, especially when it comes to films. Every year, Bollywood releases more than 1,800 films, but not all of them are warmly received. Some films elicit laughter over silly controversies, while others touch sensitive nerves related to religion or history. Let's delve into the realm of the most controversial Bollywood movies available for streaming and find out where you can watch these movies online!

Most Controversial Bollywood Movies on OTT

1. Padmaavat is OTT: Amazon Prime Video

Sanjay Leela Bhansali Padmaavat, starring Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor, is an adaptation of an epic poem. The story revolves around Maharawal Ratan Singh and Rani Padmavati, famous for her beauty. Sultan Alauddin Khilji's obsession with his beauty leads to conflict and captures the essence of the narrative.

The film faced violent protests, leading to a title change. Padmavati has Padmaavat. Criticisms included accusations of regressive patriarchy, stereotypical depictions of Muslim and Hindu characters, and a negative portrayal of the character Padmavati. Acts of vandalism and threats targeted the creators and actors of the film. You can look Padmaavat on Amazon Prime Video.

2. The Kerala Story: Zee5

History of Kerala sparked widespread debate upon its release, focusing on the controversial subject of Love Jihad. Presented as a true story, the film follows a group of Kerala women coerced into Islam, alleging a broader pattern of conversions and recruitment by an extremist group. The film went on to earn Rs 303.97 crore at the worldwide box office. However, it received overwhelmingly negative reviews, with many criticizing the film for its promotion of Islamophobic propaganda.

3. Qissa: Prime Video

Against the backdrop of the partition of India, A short story explores themes of gender identity and patriarchal norms. Umber Singh's desperate desire for a male heir leads to complex family dynamics, challenging societal expectations. The film sparked controversy for its unconventional narrative and exploration of taboo subjects.

4. Tahaan – A Boy with a Grenade: Prime Video

Tahaan tells the story of a young boy who embarks on a perilous journey to retrieve his beloved pet. However, his innocence leads him into a dangerous situation involving a grenade, calling into question morality and innocence in conflict zones. The film's controversial elements raise poignant questions about the impact of war on innocence.

5. Hamid: Netflix

Adapted from a play Phone number 789the film Hamidfollows a young boy's quest to connect with God after a personal loss. Set in Kashmir, the film addresses sensitive sentiments, highlighting the complexities of the region and the human toll of the conflict.

6. Parzania – Heaven and Hell on Earth: Disney+ Hotstar

Parzanie is based on a true story, highlighting the Gujarat riots through the lens of the family of a missing child. The film's depiction of real events faced challenges during its release, particularly in Gujarat, due to its sensitive subject matter.

7. The Kashmir Files: Zee5

The Kashmir files addresses the exodus of Hindus from Kashmir in 1990. Allegations of genocide and government repression fuel the film's narrative, sparking discussions about historical truths.

Do these films live up to their controversial reputation? Explore these cinematic adventures to engage with nuanced perspectives and spark meaningful discussions on sensitive topics in the Bollywood landscape.




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