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Academy Museum to Revise Exhibit on Hollywood's Jewish History and More

Academy Museum to Revise Exhibit on Hollywood's Jewish History and More


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IN THE STUDY. THE Museum Film Academy in Los Angeles announced Monday that it would revise an exhibit on Hollywood's Jewish history following backlash, as first reported in THE New York Times. The exhibit, titled “Hollywood: Jewish Founders and the Making of a Cinema Capital,” opened May 19 and was quickly criticized by a group of Jewish activists for its depiction of Jewish studio founders, whom some have called it anti-Semitic. An open letter from the United Jewish Writers, reported by the Hollywood journalist Monday protested the use of the words “tyrant,” “oppressive,” “womanizer” and “predator” in the show's wall text. Some cultural critiques pushed back against these critics, noting that these descriptions were appropriate when applied to certain Hollywood figures with mixed heritages. For its part, the museum said in a statement that it would “immediately implement the first set of changes – they will allow us to tell these important stories without using language that may unintentionally reinforce stereotypes.”

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