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How a Slippery Rock grad plans Pirates game day entertainment – ​​Butler Eagle

How a Slippery Rock grad plans Pirates game day entertainment – ​​Butler Eagle


Slippery Rock University graduate Celine Halt takes a break while serving as a member of the Bucco Brigade at PNC Park. Photo submitted

PITTSBURGH Céline Halt still remembers her first Pittsburgh Pirates game.

My dad won tickets and took me to a game against the St. Louis Cardinals, said Halt, a Slippery Rock University Graduate 2020. I saw people shooting T-shirts, ball girls, pierogies running around. …I decided I wanted to do this.

While she was in school at SRU, she had the opportunity. Her sorority learned that the Pirates were holding auditions for the Brigade Buco, the group that stands on top of the dugouts, throws down T-shirts and engages with fans. Halt auditioned and got one of these positions.

She was with the Bucco Brigade for the latter part of the 2017 season, all of 2018 and the start of the 2019 campaign.

If there was a seven-game homestand, I would play three or four of those games, Halt remembers. We also participated in community events. It was a fun time.

I had to leave the Pirates to intern at Carnival Cruise Line in Miami. I really missed it.

Slippery Rock University graduate Celine Halt, second from left, works with Pirate pitcher David Bednar on a video recording in Bradenton, Florida.

She couldn't have missed him for long.

Halt specialized in resort, leisure and hospitality management at SRU. She graduated during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Everything was closed, she remembers. There was nothing for me. I wasn't sure what I was going to do.

She finally called her old boss at the Bucco Brigade and received good news. A full-time position opened up as Director of the Bucco Brigade.

My old boss told me I would be perfect for this job, Halt said.

Once she got the job, it didn't take long for her to move up the ranks in the Pirates' entertainment department. Having worked for the organization for less than three years, Halt was named the stadium's entertainment director in 2023.

It involves a lot, she said.

She handles auditions for racing pierogies, ball girls and the Bucco Brigade. She imagines and organizes theme evenings at PNC Park. She participates in all games that appear on the scoreboard between innings, player interviews posted on the scoreboard, ceremonial first pitches, etc.

If it's an engagement or a game presentation, I play a big role in it, Halt said. I write a lot of scripts for trivia games and help decide which games we should do on which game nights, based on many factors.

She travels to spring training in Bradenton every year, where she gets to know the players, organizes and supervises taped interviews with them that are posted on the scoreboard during games at PNC Park.

Mitch Keller and David Bednar are two of the most cooperative players I've worked with, Halt said. They did so many clinics and all that. … When it comes to the fans, they don't say no.

But all the players are great. Everyone is so easy to work with.

When the game begins, Halt does not sit idly by. Shell walks around the park, making sure there are no problems with the fans' entertainment and that everything is going well.

There's so much to play in there, she says. But I'm so happy to be here. I come to this magnificent stadium every day. …It's hard to imagine being anywhere else.




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