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EXO Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin challenge SM Entertainment over distribution

EXO Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin challenge SM Entertainment over distribution
EXO Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin challenge SM Entertainment over distribution


Almost exactly a year after Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin of K-pop boy band EXO first filed a lawsuit against their longtime label and management agency, SM Entertainment, over contractual issues, a company created by the trio has now declared “total war”. » about the K-pop giant, according to Korean media.

Representatives from INB100, the new company founded by Baekhyun in 2023 – which has signed Chen and Xiumin for their respective solo careers, although all three remain under contract with SM for EXO's group activities – held what was described as an “emergency press conference” downtown. Seoul, Monday June 10. Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin were not present.

During the press conference, as reported Korea JoongAng Dailythree representatives of the trio – who also play together in a breakaway unit called EXO-CBX – said that Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin have been in conflict for a month over fees and contracts with SM. Cha Ga-won, chairman and majority shareholder of INB100's holding company One Hundred, and one of the representatives who spoke at the press conference, claimed that a former SM CEO had verbally promised in a recorded agreement to charge INB100 only a 5.5% fee for distributing its music releases through Kakao (the current majority shareholder of SM Entertainment), as opposed to the 15-20% typically charged to companies outside of Kakao. But Cha says SM now demands a 10 percent royalty fee for members' use of the agency's intellectual property (like members' stage names, as well as EXO and EXO-CBX) in exchange for a distribution fee reduced.

“We are declaring all-out war against SM Entertainment, which made a promise it could not keep and committed what could be perceived as fraud,” Cha said at the press conference, during which the Representatives of INB100 also demanded that SM disclose the distribution. profits from EXO – reviving the same contractual issues that were reportedly resolved last June. The representatives further claimed that INB100 sent an official letter of complaint to SM Entertainment over two months ago regarding the fees and income disclosure, but did not receive a response.

On Monday evening, SM Entertainment refuted the allegations in a statement. According to SM, an outside company imposed a 10% intellectual property fee following legal mediation over previous issues with former EXO members who left the label while still under contract. (Between 2014 and 2015, three other members of EXO left the group and severed their contracts with SM to focus on the Chinese market.) SM also claims that EXO-CBX's contract is still valid and that the trio benefits from the EXO brand but does not. fulfill their contractual obligations with SM despite the agency acting in good faith with a lower distribution rate.

SM's statement also alleges that Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin were “poached” by Cha and MC Mong — a former rapper-producer in Korea who fell from grace following allegations that he avoided the country's mandatory military conscription, and who later launched his own agencies, including BPM Entertainment, now home to a former artist SM. Taemin from SHINee.

SM added that he did not previously respond to INB100's complaint letter to avoid distracting from the new EPs released by EXO members Chen, DO and Suho over the past month. The company concluded its statement by saying it would respond with legal action rather than trying to influence public opinion through press conferences.




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