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Bellevue Bay Indoor Waterpark Entertainment District

Bellevue Bay Indoor Waterpark Entertainment District
Bellevue Bay Indoor Waterpark Entertainment District


The water park envisioned as the centerpiece of Bellevue's proposed entertainment district will be called Bellevue Bay Indoor Waterpark, the city of Bellevue announced Thursday in partnership with American Resort Management LLC.

With this name, Bellevue and the management company are catching a wave that many other cities have ridden to launch successful tourism projects.

In Boyne Falls, Michigan, tourists slip into refreshing Avalanche Bay, an 88,000-square-foot indoor water park. Visitors jump into 500,000 gallons of water at Blast Off Bay in Goddard, Kansas, 42 miles from Dr. Goddards Laboratory at the Cosmosphere Space Exploration Museum in Hutchinson, Kansas, and minutes from Wichita, nicknamed the Capital of the World air for its many aerospace companies, including Cessna and Beechcraft.

Adventure Bay in Altoona, Iowa, has a 25,000-square-foot wave pool (the largest in the state), and Boji Splash at Bridges Bay Resort in Arnolds Park, Iowa, has a 500-gallon drain bucket .

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Whatever the characteristics of a water park, the important thing is that visitors know that where there is a bay, there is water and what could be more refreshing?

Bellevue's planned massive 100,000-square-foot indoor water park, complete with a retractable roof, will also likely become a major family attraction, drawing visitors from across the Midwest and across the country to the community, where they will experience an adventure thrilling aquatic adventure and enjoy Midwestern hospitality.

Bellevue Mayor Rusty Hike is excited about the name of this facility.

We expect thousands of visitors from across the Midwest to visit Bellevue Bay Indoor Waterpark each year, and this name lets them know exactly where it is and what it is about, he said. declared. This is important and we are proud that the name of our city is associated with a project of this scale. Visitors will go home and tell their friends what a great time they had at Bellevue Bay Indoor Waterpark!

Inspired by another US Resort Management project, Epic Waters Indoor Waterpark in Grand Prairie, Texas, the water park is expected to feature a range of attractions including thrilling water slides, a lazy river, wave pools and splash pads. interactive games. Additionally, amenities such as food and beverage outlets, retail stores, attached hotels and event spaces will complete the indoor water park experience, providing visitors with a comprehensive entertainment destination.

This groundbreaking project represents a significant investment in Bellevue's tourism and leisure infrastructure, said Richard Coleman, CEO of American Resort Management. This will put Bellevue on the map as a premier destination for family entertainment. With its retractable roof, the water park will provide year-round fun, whatever the weather, ensuring a constant flow of visitors and revenue for the local economy.

The Bellevue Bay Indoor Waterpark will be a planned $60 million facility at the interchange of Highways 34 and 75 in southwest Bellevue. The city purchased the property and worked closely with design teams to create a modern, family-friendly, resort-style development on this site where the water park serves as a unique regionally-scale flagship project. On-site work is expected to begin on this project by the end of the year, and construction is expected to take between 18 and 24 months.

For more information on Bellevue Bay Indoor Waterpark, visit For more information on the City of Bellevue, visit For more information about American Resort Management, visit




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