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18 Stars Who Played John F. Kennedy On Screen

18 Stars Who Played John F. Kennedy On Screen


Every president is imitated and represented in the arts. Whether it be Saturday Night Live or a biopic, that comes with the territory when you take the highest office in the United States.

However, few presidents have ever been spoofed and evoked on the scale of John F. Kennedy. He was charismatic and had countless contacts with show business during his heyday. Kennedy also led the nation during a difficult period in American and world history. And, of course, he was tragically murdered in 1963, with much mystery surrounding his death.

JFK's performances range from goofy (Jon Hamm) to Oscar-worthy (Cliff Robertson). Here are 18 stars who played the 35th president.

Cliff Robertson: TP 109 (1963)

Cliff Robertson in PT 109.
Everett Collection

The Oscar winner played the lead role in this biographical film, which depicts JFK as a naval officer commanding the motor torpedo boat PT-109 during the Pacific War of World War II. Not only was it the first time a major studio made a film about a sitting president, but the White House also got casting approval. Warren Beatty and Peter Fonda were apparently considered for the role, but POTUS himself chose Robertson after watching his audition.

The film was released just months before Kennedy's assassination.

William Devane: The October Missiles (1974)

William Devane in The Missiles of October.

THE Landing nodes The actor took on the lead role in the 1974 play, a made-for-television docudrama, about the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Jacques François: Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy (nineteen eighty one)

James Franciscus and Jaclyn Smith in Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy.
Everett Collection

Before playing JFK in the 1981 TV movie about Jackie's time in Washington, D.C., before and during her relationship with Kennedy (who was in Congress when they met), the actor played a Kennedy type in The Greek tycoona 1978 drama based on the life of wealthy Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis, whom the former First Lady married five years after the Kennedy assassination.

Martin Sheen: Kennedy (1983)

Martin Sheen and Blair Brown in Kennedy.
Everett Collection

He may always be President Bartlett of The west wing to the supporters. However, once upon a time Martin Sheen played the real Commander-in-Chief in this five-hour TV miniseries which was nominated for three Golden Globes and won two BAFTAs, one for Best Drama Series and one for the best makeup. .

Stephen Collins: A woman named Jackie (1991)

Eve Gordon and Stephen Collins in A Woman Called Jackie.
Everett Collection

Pre-7th Sky (and his sexual abuse scandal), Stephen Collins got his turn playing POTUS in this three-part miniseries based on C. David Heymann's 1989 book of the same title. A woman named Jackie went on to win an Emmy for Outstanding Miniseries.

Patrick Dempsey: JFK: Reckless Youth (1993)

Patrick Dempsey in JFK: Reckless Youth.
Everett Collection

Before becoming best known for playing McDreamy in Grey's Anatomy, Patrick Dempsey took on the role of a young John F. Kennedy in the TV movie that chronicled the politician's school years until his nomination to Congress in 1947.

William Petersen: The pack of rats (1998)

William Petersen in The Pack of Rats.

After William Petersen played JFK's father in a television miniseries six years prior, the CSI alumnus portrayed the president himself in this HBO film that told the story of the Rat Pack's courtship with Kennedy.

Tim Matheson: Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis (2000)

Tim Matheson and Joanne Whalley in Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis.
Everett Collection

Tim Matheson takes a back seat to portray Joanne Whalley's portrayal of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis in this CBS miniseries based on Donald Spoto's bestselling biography.

Bruce Greenwood: Thirteen days (2000)

From left to right: Steven Culp, Bruce Greenwood and Kevin Costner in Thirteen Days.
Everett Collection

Bruce Greenwood plays the president in this film, in which the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis unfold through the eyes of Kenny O'Donnell, Kennedy's longtime friend and political advisor, played by Kevin Costner.

Brett Stimely: Guardians (2009)

Brett Stimely and Billy Crudup in Watchmen.
Warner Bros.

For Zack Snyder's 2009 adaptation of Alan Moore's seminal graphic novel, the actor wore a number of prosthetics on his face that took up to four hours to assemble. From GuardiansStimely played POTUS three more times on screen: Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon (2011), Kill the dictator (2013), and Park (2013).

Jon Hamm: Saturday Night Live (2010)

From left: Kristen Wiig, Jon Hamm and Nasim Pedrad on Saturday Night Live.
Photo bank Dana Edelson/NBC/NBCU via Getty Images

Not all performances have been reverential. When JFK (Jon Hamm) and Judy Garland (Kristen Wiig) stop by Vincent Price (Bill Hader) to a Halloween party, all hell breaks loose. This is as strange as it sounds.

Greg Kinnear: The Kennedys (2011)

Greg Kinnear in The Kennedys.
Kennedys Productions (Ontario) Inc. and Zak Cassar

After the History Channel abandoned plans to air the eight-hour miniseries, ReelzChannel came to the rescue, allowing viewers to watch Greg Kinnear take on the 35th president.

James Marsden: The butler (2013)

James Marsden (center) in The Butler.

The Weinstein Company.

With less than two weeks to prepare for the role, James Marsden immersed himself in everything he could to familiarize himself with the historical figure he would play in Lee Daniels' film. With two luscious silicone cheeks stuck to his face and a speech about the Cuban Missile Crisis memorized, the actor impressed many.

Rob Lowe: Kill Kennedy (2013)

Rob Low in Killing Kennedy.
Kent Eanes/National Geographic Channels

It was only a matter of time before Rob Lowe played JFK. The actor took on the role in the National Geographic Channel TV movie based on the book of the same name by former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard, which recounts the events leading up to the president's assassination .

Caspar Phillipson: Jackie (2016)

Caspar Phillipson and Natalie Portman in Jackie.
William Gray/Fox Projector

Despite appearing on screen for less than 10 minutes, the man who played the US president in the Oscar-nominated film was actually a Danish stage and voice-over actor. Caspar Phillipson also played JFK in Blond (2022).

Jeffrey Donovan: L.B.J. (2017)

Jeffrey Donovan in LBJ.
Entertainment in Castle Rock

The drama of L.B.J. revolves around the rise to the presidency of Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson (Woody Harrelson) after the assassination of President Kennedy. Jeffrey Donovan took on the small but crucial role of the former president who kicks off Rob Reiner's film.

Michael C. Hall: The crown (2017)

Jodi Balour and Michael C. Hall (center) on The Crown.
Alex Bailey/Netflix

The US president and his glamorous wife appeared in the second season of The crown when they stopped at Buckingham Palace to have dinner with Elizabeth and Philip during their European tour. “You can’t ignore the omnipresence of his image and his voice,” Hall told EW. “You have to somehow honor that without imitating it.”

Give Jordan: Timeless (2018)

Grant Jordan on Timeless.
Photo bank Paul Drinkwater/NBC/NBCU via Getty Images

In a different twist regarding the 35th president, Grant Jordan played him in the role of Timeless episode “The Kennedy Curse” as a teenager. After stopping a Rittenhouse sleeper agent from assassinating the 17-year-old future president in 1934, the Time Team brings him back to the present day, where he discovers his tragic fate.




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