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Actor and U.S. Senate candidate Hill Harper to headline Black Male Summit in Saginaw

Actor and U.S. Senate candidate Hill Harper to headline Black Male Summit in Saginaw


SAGINAW, MI A television star turned political candidate will headline an event in Saginaw aimed at sparking a discussion on issues affecting black men, organizers said.

Hill Harper, Democratic candidate for Michigan's U.S. Senate seat and actor on television shows such as CSI: NY, will be one of several presenters leading workshops and presentations at the Black Male Summit.

The first event hosted by Saginaw-based anti-violence group HELP, and sponsored in part by Saginaw Public Schools, is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, June 19 at Willie Thompson Middle School, 3021 Court at Saginaw.

Those interested in attending should submit an RSVP for the free event, which organizers say will feature local pastors, court officials, election advocates, financial professionals and substance abuse counselors who will lead workshops on their respective areas of expertise.

HELP co-founder Kareem Bowen said he sought Harper's involvement in part because of the books he authored, including Letters to an Incarcerated Brother: Encouragement, Hope and Healing for Inmates and their relatives. The non-fiction novel published in 2014 features correspondence between African American inmates and Harper.

These books, I think, directly correspond to some of the conversations that will take place, Bowen said. So it was a perfect fit for Black Male Summitt as we talk about issues like incarceration, gun violence prevention and response.

Bowen said the planned appearance of Harper, an Iowa-born Detroit transplant, was not related to his political campaign.

He understands perspectives, Bowen said of Harper, who is black. Moving to the Detroit area, living in a city and working with community organizations that try to promote health and wellness in our community is what he has been doing for a long time. He's perfect as someone who can come and engage our guys.

Bowen said the summit would provide valuable information to individuals of all demographic groups, although its workshops were designed to benefit black men.

Children 12 and under must accompany an adult to be admitted, he said.

We want to talk about how we can bring our community together and really create substantial change in our community, Bowen said.

For more information or to reserve a spot at the summit, visit the event webpage at the following URL:

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