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At ShenanArts, “Proof” Brings Love, Family, and Truth into the Life Equation

At ShenanArts, “Proof” Brings Love, Family, and Truth into the Life Equation


This Father's Day weekend, a Staunton cast will delve into the story of a father battling mental illness and what it could mean for the intellectual legacy and daughters he leaves behind.

David Auburns' ShenanArts production Proof, which opens Thursday, strives to keep the variables of illness and the constants of devotion and truth in balance.

For me, it's a personal and relevant story, director Clarence Joseph Finn told the Daily Progress. It's a heavy subject, but there's also a lot of compassion. You see these characters looking for hope, having hope and being strong.

Catherine, played by Cori McDaniel, left, tries to comfort her father, Robert, played by Larry Friedland, right, during a rehearsal of Proof at ShenanArts.


The cast includes Larry Friedland as Robert, a brilliant mathematician who struggles with mental illness; Cori McDaniel as Catherine, the younger daughter and aspiring mathematician who struggles to care for herself and fears inheriting her illness; Haley Roberts as Claire, the older sister whom Catherine accuses of leaving her alone to care for their father; and Jesi Dunivan as Hal, a former student of Roberts who delves into his mentor's notebooks in hopes of finding a surprising final discovery.

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The actors worked together to keep the portrayals and relationships honest and realistic, taking care to avoid melodrama. Friedland's experience as a mental health professional with the Valley Community Services Board provided guidance to the entire team during the rehearsal process and valuable insight into how illness and well-being Roberts are described.

Finn said the script gives his actors a lot to work with and his audience a lot to consider.

It doesn't stereotype mental illness, Finn said. It shows how it can affect a person and affect a family. It depicts mental illness honestly and treats it with compassion and respect.

Finn brings his own experience that highlights the strength of family in the face of adversity.

When I was about 15, my grandfather was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and he was battling cancer at the same time, Finn said. The proof, says the director, really touches me after what I experienced.

Claire, played by Haley Roberts, left, has been away from home for some time, so tensions arise between Claire and her younger sister Catherine, played by Cori McDaniel, right, who works hard to care for their father.


Stories like this need to be told more often in theater, Finn said. What also makes this play special is that even though it deals with heavy topics, there is so much comedy in it. There is romance. There is an element of mystery. It's a level game, just like life.

Finn said he was pleased and humbled to see so many actors bring their gifts and passions to the auditions. They came from as far as Charlottesville in hopes of joining the cast.

It's a four-character play, but about 30 people came to audition for it, Finn said. I was blown away that so many people wanted to be part of a play that meant so much to me.

Finn said the four actors chosen for Proof are able to draw the audience into the story and the characters.

Almost everyone can find a part of themselves in these characters, Finn said. Very good actors are able to find a part of themselves in the characters they play.

Proof first gained attention in 2000, winning the Pulitzer Prize for Drama and the Tony Award for Best Play the following year, but isolation and the harsh realities of the COVID-19 pandemic put the play's themes more clearly in evidence for today's audiences.

A major theme of this play is trying to hold on to those we love, Finn said. That's a major message in this piece: don't take the people you love for granted and hold on to them as hard as you can.

Proof offers the opportunity to see the characters as families see their own members: through the eyes of love.

One character says to another, “There’s nothing wrong with you,” Finn said. It’s so powerful in that moment.

The play contains adult themes and strong language. Tickets are general admission and seating is on stage.




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