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Michael Rafidi and Masako Morishita win big at the 2024 James Beard Awards

Michael Rafidi and Masako Morishita win big at the 2024 James Beard Awards


Masako Morishita at the 2024 James Beard Awards. Photography by Charissa Benjamin.

The James Beard Awards, also known as the Oscars of the food world (shout out to Ruth Reichl for apparently inventing that!) took place this evening in Chicago. And the ceremony started and ended with great news for DC food fans. The first prize of the evening went to one of the largest national categories, Emerging Chef. It went to Masako Morishita, the Commanders cheerleader turned chef who took over the kitchen at Perrys in 2022, putting the 40-year-old Adams Morgan institution back on diners' radars with Japanese comfort dishes like the udon carbonara and clams with miso butter. This is my wildest American dream come true, she said, thanking her family, including her tearful husband, former Elle executive chef Brad Deboy. All immigrant women, I can do it, so everyone can do it.

The biggest news of the evening was announced at the end of the ceremony. Oyster Oyster Chef Rob Rubba, who won the coveted Outstanding Chef award in 2023, joined Nancy Silverton in naming his successor this year: Michael Rafidi of Navy Yard Levantine destination Albi. “The only thing I think about right now are my Palestinian grandparents and my mother,” Rafidi told the audience. “This prize is dedicated to Palestine. »

Albion chef Michael Rafidi. Photography by Scott Suchman


A few local chefs were up for Best Chef: Mid-Atlantic, including Moon Rabbits Kevin Tien and Inferno Pizzeria Napoletanas Tony Conte. This award went to Harley Peet of the elegant Bas Rouge Continental Dining Room in Easton, who delivered a moving speech honoring her late parents, her husband and fellow chef David Kuzio, who died earlier This year.

In the Outstanding Pastry Chef category, Susan Bae of Moon Rabbit lost to Atsuko Fujimoto of Portland, Maine. Adams Morgan Tail Up Goat Restaurant was nominated for the Outstanding Wine and Beverage Program, which ultimately went to Lula Drake Wine Parlor in Columbia, South Carolina. Hollis Wells Silverman, owner of Duck and the Peach, La Collina, Meli and Wells, was nominated for Outstanding Restaurateur; this award was won by Kelly and Erika Whitaker of Id Est in Boulder.

Ann LimpertAnn Limpert

Executive Food Editor/Critic

Ann Limpert joined Washingtonian at the end of 2003. She was previously an editorial assistant at Weekly Entertainment and cook in New York restaurant kitchens, and she is a graduate of the Institute of Culinary Education. She lives in Petworth.




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