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Academy Museum Pledges to Change Its New Exhibit on Hollywood's Jewish Pioneers to Avoid Stereotyping

Academy Museum Pledges to Change Its New Exhibit on Hollywood's Jewish Pioneers to Avoid Stereotyping


By Elizabeth Wagmeister, CNN

(CNN) — After facing criticism for its depiction of Jews, the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures is committed to making changes to its exhibit that features Hollywood's Jewish pioneers, a spokesperson for the Los Angeles museum told CNN.

THEpermanent exhibition called Hollywoodland: Jewish founders and the creation of a cinematic capital aims to highlight the contributions and history of Jewish immigrants like Jack and Harry Warner (Warner Bros.), Harry Cohn (Columbia), Louis B. Mayer (MGM), Adolph Zukor (Paramount) and others who laid the foundation for the Hollywood studio system. .

The exhibition, more than two years in the making, was led by associate curator Dara Jaffe and opened on May 19.letterfrom a group called United Jewish Writers, which was signed by more than 300 Hollywood executives, writers and actors. They criticized the use of the words tyrant, oppressor, womanizer, predator and other terms in the exhibit which they described as the only section of the museum that vilifies those it claims to celebrate.

While we recognize the importance of confronting Hollywood's problematic past, the Jewish Founders Exposure's despicable double standard, blaming only Jews for this problematic past, is unacceptable and, whether intentional or not, anti-Semitic , they wrote.

In response, an Academy Museum spokesperson told CNN the changes would be implemented immediately.

We have heard concerns from members of the Jewish community regarding certain elements of our exhibition, the spokesperson said in a statement Tuesday. We take these concerns seriously and are committed to making changes to the exhibit to address them.

The changes will allow the museum to tell these important stories without using language that might unintentionally reinforce stereotypes, the release continued. This will also help eliminate any ambiguity.

In addition to updating the exhibit, an advisory group of experts from leading museums focused on the Jewish community, civil rights and the history of other marginalized groups will be convened to advise on complex issues regarding the context and any necessary additions to the exhibition.

We are deeply committed to telling these important stories in an honest, respectful and impactful way, the spokesperson added.

The Academy Museums' Hollywoodland exhibition arose as a direct response to previous criticism when the museum open in 2021 that he had almost entirely neglected the contributions of Jewish industrial pioneers.

The museum is housed in the Saban Building, having been launched with a $50 million donation from Israeli-American businessman Haim Saban. Its lobby includes galleries of two of Hollywood's most prominent Jewish figures: Steven Spielberg and Jeffrey Katzenberg, who each donated $10 million to help build the museum.

This past January, ahead of the 2024 Academy Awards, a group of Hollywood stars, including Tiffany Haddish, Josh Gad, David Schwimmer, Debra Messing and more, signed a letter to the Academypushing to include Jews in the organization's inclusion and diversity standards and criticizing the group for its surveillance.

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