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Ricky Martin talks about navigating Hollywood after coming out in 2010

Ricky Martin talks about navigating Hollywood after coming out in 2010


All eyes were on Ricky Martin at CAA's seventh annual Amplify Summit on Tuesday, where the Grammy winner artist took the stage to discuss his storied career with Bruno Del Granado, head of CAA's global Latin music touring division.

Martin discussed his role on Apple TV+'s “Palm Royale” (recently renewed for season 2) and talked about major milestones in his career, including his impact on Latin American music in the United States and LGBTQ+ representation in general public spaces.

Martin showed his love for his “Palm Royale” castmates and the “life-changing” stories they were able to tell. Set in 1960s Palm Beach, Martin plays Robert, a gay man and bartender at the high society club Palm Royale.

“A few years ago, when I was promoting '[The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story’], this Polish journalist asked me: “Ricky, aren't you afraid of being typecast as a gay man in every role you're given?” and I wondered if he would ask Brad Pitt the same thing; “Brad Pitt, are you afraid of being typecast as a straight man all the time? »… Men and women in LGBT communities are dying to tell stories. Just give them the opportunity. They will rock your storyline – no matter if they depict gay, straight, or transgender people. It does not matter.”

After gushing over his experience headlining LA Pride, Martin shared that it was his father, Enrique, who gave him the impetus to finally come out as gay in 2010 – just months before the release of his memoir, “Me”.

“I just wanted to be able to walk a red carpet with someone I loved,” he recalls. “It’s something I really wanted to do…I sat down at the computer and wrote a lot. It was the beginning of Twitter, [and when I posted it] I felt the instant gratification of thousands of people sending me nothing but love. There were haters. It took them a minute to come back, but they came back later. But at that moment, I felt really good. I immediately started crying…I was like, “Oh my God. Okay, can I come out? » Because I felt amazing.

Tuesday's round table opened with a rebroadcast of Martin's 1999 Grammys performance where he delivered an energetic rendition of “La Copa De La Vida,” which was already a worldwide hit at the time. As Del Granado pointed out during the panel discussion, the American media largely began following Martin's career afterward.

Martin's success at the time, which came after more than 20 years as a member of the hit boy band Menudo and as a solo artist, also opened the door to his first stints in acting.

“I almost retired before that night [at the Grammys] because I had been working for many, many years at that point,” Martin said. “I was going to take a sabbatical right after [performance] that, but I guess life has a big surprise in store for me. Martin added that the evening resulted in “a wonderful crossover with the American mainstream,” which was “something I've always wanted, and it was something I was, of course, looking forward to.” , coming from Puerto Rico.”




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