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Music review: Frankie heads to Bollywood

Music review: Frankie heads to Bollywood


The Wolverhampton Grand Theater has become a magical place for dreams, talent, music and just enough Bollywood masala with Frankie goes to Bollywood. There was the scintillating touch of Indianness combined perfectly with the English way of storytelling. Such a performance did more than justice to every actor/dancer/singer on stage throughout the show. The background music throughout the piece included live tabla and instruments which contributed to the Indian feel. I enjoyed every moment of the piece and was blown away by its detailed execution.

The story revolves around Frankie, a dark-haired girl born in England, who wishes to unite with her mother. So, Frankie watched her movies over and over, hoping that one day she could step inside the screen into a magical world. Frankie had a difficult childhood, but her older cousin Goldie looked after her like a mother.

There was the scintillating touch of Indianness combined perfectly with the English way of storytelling.

Goldie dreamed of becoming a famous actress, but the filmmakers cast Frankie over her, given her beauty and body standards. Goldie's aspirations are dashed, but she supports Frankie as she leaves for Film City, Mumbai, the world of Bollywood films.

This is just the beginning for Frankie. As she becomes more and more familiar with the real world, she is confronted with harsh realities that distract her from the purpose of her decision to come to India: to fulfill her mother's promise and make her proud. Frankie grows through her experience as she manages to deal with the life of fame and lies.

But that's not enough, she must learn to survive in a cutthroat industry where everyone is focused on creating an image for themselves. Once she understood the gravity of the evil in the mentality of filmmakers and the public, she broke out of this vicious circle and created her own group of authentic creators. This is how Frankie became a Bollywood star.

Truth be told, the Bollywood industry has its own set of unwritten rules that mandate blind following, even from those who hold supreme control of power. This was described perfectly in the story. The glamorous perception of Bollywood by the global audience only adds fuel to the fire of fame, glory and reputation that everyone in Bollywood craves. This is both good and bad. On the one hand there is the authenticity of passionate filmmakers who want to produce something other than love stories, and the powerful influence of public figures who have nothing to bring to the table other than money. .

The glamorous perception of Bollywood by the global audience only adds fuel to the fire of fame, glory and reputation that everyone in Bollywood craves.

Interestingly, the introduction of the second half gave equal individual scene time to each character, good and bad. These one-song monologues reflected the value and message the show wanted to convey to the audience, which was equality among all talents by providing them a platform to express themselves and their character. This fits with the ending without any loose ends and the beginning of a personalized story for Frankie and Goldie.

Rating 5/5

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