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If The Big Bang Theory had been made in Bollywood on Wednesday

If The Big Bang Theory had been made in Bollywood on Wednesday


A group of socially awkward scientists (minus one) and their eccentricities formed the heart of the American television sitcom “The Big Bang Theory.” The main characters include Sheldon Cooper, a brilliant but eccentric physicist; Leonard Hofstadter, physicist and Sheldon's roommate; Howard Wolowitz, aerospace engineer; and Raj Koothrappali, an astrophysicist who initially has difficulty talking to women.

Oh, and there's Penny, an aspiring actress and waitress who lives across the street from Sheldon and Leonard. Alongside him are Amy Farrah Fowler and Bernadette Rostenkowski, who become an integral part of the group as the series progresses.

For all the fans of “The Big Bang Theory”, have you ever wondered who the cast would be if the series was filmed in Bollywood? Ranbir Kapoor would be our Sheldon Cooper and Kangana Ranaut would be his Amy! A rather odd pair, but that's what would be interesting to watch, right? Here, take a look at our Wednesday wish list.

Sheldon Cooper-Ranbir Kapoor

Sheldon Cooper, played by Jim Parsons, was genial, eccentric, socially awkward and obsessive by nature. Known for his method acting and versatility, Ranbir could capture Sheldon's unique quirks and intellect. His ability to transform into any character makes him ideal for Sheldon's distinctive personality.

Leonard Hofstadter – Rajkummar Rao

Leonard (Johnny Galecki) is good and intelligent. Rajkummar's ability to play anything and everything under the sky would make him a great choice for the character.

Penny – Call to Repentance

Penny (Kaley Cuoco) is outgoing, friendly and intelligent. With her vivacious personality and the great work she's been doing lately, Wamiqa could perfectly portray Penny's mix of sass and sweetness.

Howard Wolowitz – Vikrant Massey

Howard (Simon Helberg) is flamboyant, confident, sometimes inappropriate and loves his mother. Known for his strong screen presence, Vikrant would bring a perfect blend of humor and heart to the role of Howard.

Raj Koothrappali – Sumeet Vyas

Raj (Kunal Nayyar) is shy, sensitive, has trouble with women and comes from India. Sumeet's ability to portray complex and nuanced characters with the utmost finesse makes him an ideal choice for Raj. His charm and comic timing can beautifully bring out Raj's vulnerability and humor.

Amy Farrah Fowler – Kangana Ranaut

Amy, played by Mayim Bialik, is intellectual and socially awkward but knows how to love. Kangana's ability to play intelligent and strong female characters makes her a perfect match for Amy.

Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz – Nushrrat Bharuccha

Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) is strong-willed, intelligent and outspoken. Known for her strong personality, Nushrratt can bring the right mix of kindness and confidence to the character of Bernadette.

What do you think of our list?

Published by:

Anindita Mukhopadhyay

Published on:

June 12, 2024




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