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Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa and his girlfriend face heat in bizarre murder saga | Latest news India

Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa and his girlfriend face heat in bizarre murder saga |  Latest news India


Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa and his partner Pavithra Gowda were arrested on Monday for plotting the elaborate murder of a 33-year-old Bengaluru man who allegedly sent the latter inappropriate messages on social media, police said, describing details in a twisted saga that has stunned Karnataka and baffled investigators.

Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa (ANI)
Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa (ANI)

Police, who have so far made 17 arrests in the case, said an associate of Darshan (47) allegedly persuaded the victim, Renukaswamy, to travel to Bengaluru from Chitradurga on Saturday on the pretext of meeting the popular actor. The Darshan men then allegedly kidnapped, tortured and murdered Renukaswamy, who investigators believe sent derogatory messages to Gowda (35) about his relationship with the married actor, which could be a possible trigger for the murder .

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Darshan has been married for 21 years.

Renukaswamy, who worked at a pharmacy in Chitradurga, got married on June 28 last year. His wife, Sahana, is five months pregnant, police said.

His body was found in a storm drain in Summanahalli, Bengaluru, on June 9 and the injuries on the corpse indicate foul play, Bengaluru police chief B Dayananda said.

The body was found by a security guard, Keval Ram Dorji, who subsequently filed a police complaint, following which the police filed an FIR under sections 302 (murder) and 201 (causing disappearance of evidence of an offence) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). ).

Photographs of the body show injuries and burn marks all over his body. Police said the victim was attacked on the head and genitals.

Three people initially arrested said they killed the 33-year-old man following a financial dispute. However, their divergent answers during questioning prompted investigators to broaden their investigation. Further investigations revealed Darshan's involvement.

A senior police officer said recordings of telephone calls between the Darshan associates and Raghavendra, the district president of the Darshan supporters' association in Chitradurga, were crucial evidence.

Darshan contacted Raghu and asked him to bring Renukaswamy to Bengaluru, Dayananda said.

He was taken to a five-acre parking lot, where seized vehicles are stored. He was attacked there. Investigators traced the phones of Darshan and the other suspects to this location. The CCTV footage also shows a car registered in Darshan's name leaving the parking lot, the officer said.

Dayananda said Darshan's wife Vijayalakshmi fought with Gowda on social media after he posted videos celebrating 10 years of relationship with the former.

Renukaswamy then allegedly started trolling Gowda and posting derogatory messages.

In September-October 2011, the actor spent a month in jail after being arrested for assaulting Vijayalakshmi. He was acquitted in this case in 2013.

Police said Gowda was the prime suspect and Darshan (47) the secondary suspect, as a Bengaluru court remanded them to police custody for six days. Police also arrested 15 other people, including security personnel and members of fan associations, in connection with the case.

Darshan, who has acted in several commercially successful films including Kariya, Krantiveera Sangolli Rayanna, Kalasipalya, Gaja, Navagraha, Saarathi, Bulbul, Yajamana, Robert and Kaatera, was arrested from a hotel in Mysuru, police said.

Renukaswamy's family was distraught.

He was my only son. He got married last year. I spoke to him on Saturday. I want justice, said his father, Srinivasaiah.




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