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Karan Kundrra names the Bollywood duo he would like to go on a double date with; Check

Karan Kundrra names the Bollywood duo he would like to go on a double date with;  Check


Karan Kundrra is a well-known figure in the television industry, admired by many for his talent and good looks. This charismatic actor has shown his versatility by starring in TV shows, Hindi films and hosting various reality shows.

Recently, Karan sat down for a light-hearted chat with iDiva. While performing a fun segment, he revealed his wish to go on a double date with a famous Bollywood couple.

Karan Kundrra finds this Bollywood duo relaxed

During the Rapid Fire segment of the chat session, Karan Kundrra was asked to name one couple from the industry with whom he would like to go on a double date. Without taking much time to think about the matter, the actor took the name of lovebirds Aditya Roy Kapur and Ananya Pandey. He said he found them very cold. However, Karan immediately clarified that his response did not confirm anything about Aditya and Ananya's relationship.

The 39-year-old actor further shared his first impressions of certain actors. When asked about Shehnaaz Gill, he said that he first met her on the sets of Thank You For Coming. Karan considered her a crazy but sweet person. Meanwhile, he found Bhumi Pednekar very warm and generous and called Kusha Kapila a riot.

In another candid discussion, the Kitani Mohabbat Haiactor felt that Tiger Shroff's filmography is repetitive and called Pathaan an overrated film in recent times.


Take a look at Karan Kundrras' Instagram post:

About Karan Kundrra

Karan Kundrra is currently showing his comedic side alongside his culinary skills in Laughter Chefs – Unlimited Entertainment. The comedy show is hosted by Bharti Singh. Karan is paired opposite Arjun Bijlani for the show.

Apart from Bigg Boss 15 contestant and Arjun, Laughter Chefs features five other celebrity duos who try their best to cook the assigned dishes. The list includes Ankita Lokhande, Vicky Jain, Jannat Zubair, Reem Shaikh, Nia Sharma, Sudesh Lehri, Krushna Abhishek, Kashmera Shah, Rahul Vaidya and Aly Goni.

Before this, Karan was seen as a presenter of the country's biggest and most popular reality show, Temptation Island India, alongside Mouni Roy.

On the personal front, Karan Kundrra has been in a relationship with Tejasswi Prakash for three years.

READ ALSO : Which Bollywood actor rocks Karan Kundrra? Hint: he is one of the Khans




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