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Frankie Goes to Bollywood Shines at Wolves Grand – fashionmommy's Blog

Frankie Goes to Bollywood Shines at Wolves Grand – fashionmommy's Blog


2024 has been a good year for shows showcasing the gems of Indian culture. Earlier this year, the brilliant Bhangra Nation delighted audiences, and now 'Frankie Goes to Bollywood' has arrived at the Wolverhampton Grand Theater as part of a UK tour. This show is a clever mix of fun, frothy traditional musical comedy and also a cautionary tale about what happens when you sell your soul for a quick fix to fame. It's also a visual and aural treat, with stunning sets and costumes, as well as incredible vocal performances.

Frankie Goes to Bollywood (probably the best title of the season) is the story of Frankie, a young girl obsessed with Bollywood films, who, by a quirk of fate, gets the chance to become a Bollywood star herself . Her rise to “a star is born” fame follows the pattern of many Hollywood films – she's talented, but apart from her ambitious director Prem, no one really cares, the concern is more with her beauty and costumes ever narrower. . Her leading man, Raju King, is the same man she watched and idolized as a child, and after meeting Malika, a glamor queen, still young, but now put out to pasture, she realizes that Bollywood is governed by men, for men. , and that perhaps his dreams were actually nightmares.

Frankie is played by the superb Laila Zaidi who is a true vocal talent. In all honesty, it's hard to feel anything for such a selfish person, who is clearly happy to give up everything for fame, but there's no doubting Laila's talent, she gives her all in every scene. Far more likeable are the brilliant Helen K Wint as Malika, trying to cling to both her dignity and her fame, her killer line about “after the age of 30, you either get married or you play the mother of 50-year-old actors.” both gruesome and harrowing, and her glamorous presence lights up every scene. Likewise, I loved Katie Stasi as a best friend and Goldy as a conscience, who truly is the heart of this musical and once again has a stunning voice. Her voicemail songs are wonderful and heartfelt, she's the best friend that, frankly, Frankie doesn't deserve.

The male performances are also excellent and often add a layer of hilarity, particularly in the more downbeat second half. I loved the bitchy and ostentatious Gigi Zahir as Shona, in charge of costumes, styling and choreography, and very adept at choosing the winning side. Shakil Hussain is brilliant as the ridiculous and aging cinema king Raju, trying to cling to fame and youth at all costs, while Navin Kundra wins as Prem, who manages to hold on to his principles while that those around him are doing their best to ruin his film. and career.

Frankie Goes to Bollywood isn't perfect. The action often happens very quickly, 3 months here, two months there, and it's full of all the clichés you find in Hollywood and Bollywood, rags to riches stories. It's also hard to really care about what happens to such a selfish heroine. But it's smart to tell the story of a Bollywood heroine in the style of a Bollywood movie, with ridiculous, overly dramatic “meet cute” and expressions of love, and the musical is, in the Overall, fun and frothy with lots of really funny moments. It also has a talented musical cast which helps make it a winner and it has its strong tongue, while showing observations of sexism and ageism (but only for women) in one of the biggest film industries of the world.

June 12June 15, 2024

Click on here visit Wolves Grand

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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