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TaxBuddy partners with Bollywood star Rajkummar Rao

TaxBuddy partners with Bollywood star Rajkummar Rao


TaxBuddy, India's leading assisted tax filing platform, earlier this month announced its partnership with Bollywood versatile actor Rajkummar Rao for the ongoing Income Tax Return (ITR) season. This collaboration is another step forward in making tax compliance a stress-free activity for Indians. It aims to raise awareness of the importance of accurate and timely tax compliance.

TaxBuddy, founded in 2017, has become India's most trusted assisted tax filing platform, with over 1 million users across web and apps across 2,600+ cities. The company's user-friendly interface, expert-assisted service, and year-round tax support have earned it a 4.9-star Google rating from more than 14,000 customers. TaxBuddy offers a range of services designed to simplify tax compliance, including assisted ITR filing, 1-1 tax planning session with an expert, IT notice compliance, GST compliance with assistance from a expert.

“We are delighted to have Rajkummar Rao on board as our brand ambassador,” said Sujit Bangar, Managing Director of TaxBuddy. “His personality and commitment to social causes make him the perfect person to represent our mission of making tax filing a stress-free experience for all Indians.”

Rajkummar Rao, known for his versatile acting skills and social impact, will be the face of TaxBuddy's ongoing marketing campaigns. “I am excited to partner with TaxBuddy and contribute to their efforts to simplify tax compliance for the common man,” said Rajkummar Rao. “As a responsible citizen, I believe it is crucial for all of us to fulfill our tax obligations, and TaxBuddy makes the process smooth and efficient.”

From employees to business owners and NRIs, TaxBuddy caters to all profiles of taxpayers. The company's tailor-made plans ensure that taxpayers can get their ITR filed with an expert and enjoy maximum tax savings. TaxBuddy's enhanced security measures ensure taxpayer data remains secure and confidential. The partnership between TaxBuddy and Rajkummar Rao aims to amplify TaxBuddy's mission to make tax compliance a stress-free activity for all Indians. With Rajkummar Rao, TaxBuddy hopes to reach a wider audience and encourage more taxpayers to take advantage of its services.

TaxBuddy's commitment to simplifying tax compliance is evident in its user-friendly platform and expert advice. The company's team of tax professionals work closely with taxpayers to ensure they claim all allowable deductions and exemptions, thereby maximizing their tax savings. TaxBuddy's fast processing ensures that taxpayers receive their refunds quickly, without any delays. Additionally, TaxBuddy's enhanced security measures provide taxpayers with peace of mind. The company uses advanced encryption techniques and follows strict data protection protocols to protect taxpayer information. TaxBuddy's commitment to data privacy has earned it the trust of millions of taxpayers across India.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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