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Tony Lo Bianco, actor of 'The French Connection,' dies at 87

Tony Lo Bianco, actor of 'The French Connection,' dies at 87


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Tony Lo Bianco, best known for his role in the Oscar-winning film “The French Connection,” has died. He was 87 years old.

Lo Bianco died Tuesday evening at his Maryland horse farm after a battle with prostate cancer, the actor's representatives confirmed to Fox News Digital.

“His loving wife, Alyse, was by his side,” the rep said in an email.

Lo Bianco was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1936. A former Golden Gloves boxer, he continued to act in theater, film and television, playing the notorious gangster Sal Boca in William Friedkins' “The French Connection.” The film, which also starred Gene Hackman and Roy Schieder, was released in 1971 and won five Academy Awards.


actors Tony Lo Bianco and Roy Schieder

Lo Bianco, left, also appeared in the crime film “The Seven-Ups” alongside Roy Schieder. (FilmPublicityArchive/United Archives via Getty Images)

Lo Bianco was also known for playing the role of “lonely hearts killer” Raymond Fernandez in the 1970 crime film “The Honeymoon Killers.” He will appear on screen alongside Richard Gere in “Bloodbrothers” and Clint Eastwood in “City Heat”.

Lo Bianco starred in 102 films during his career, according to his website. His last film was the 2022 Ray Romano-directed comedy “Somewhere in Queens.”

Tony Lo Bianco

Lo Bianco appeared in 102 films during his career, alongside numerous theater and television productions. (Ohn Mahler/Toronto Star via Getty Images)

Lo Bianco also performed on stage, earning a Tony Award nomination in 1983 for his portrayal of Eddie Carbone in the Broadway revival of Arthur Miller's “A View from the Bridge.” He won an Obie Award for his role in an off-Broadway production of “Yanks-3, Detroit-0, Top of the 7th.” in 1975.

actor Tony Lo Bianco

Actor Tony Lo Bianco attends the screening of “Somewhere In Queens” at Metrograph in New York on April 17, 2023. (ANGELA WEISS/AFP via Getty Images)


His television credits include “Police Story,” “Jesus of Nazareth,” “Marco Polo,” “The Twilight Zone,” “Murder, She Wrote” and “Law and Order.”

Lo Bianco was also involved in numerous charitable organizations throughout his life, including United Service Organizations (USO), Building Homes for Heroes, The Wounded Warrior Project, the National Italian American Foundation, Sons of Italy in America, among others .


His support for America's veterans led him to produce and narrate a tribute video titled “Just a Common Soldier.” The video has been viewed more than 22 million times and received two Emmy Awards, according to Lo Bianco's website.




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