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Two mules for sister Sara The actor was 98 years old

Two mules for sister Sara The actor was 98 years old
Two mules for sister Sara The actor was 98 years old


Armando Silvestre, a very active actor from the golden age of Mexican cinema who appeared with Clint Eastwood and Shirley MacLaine in Two mules for sister Sarawith Yul Brynner in Kings of the Sun and with Burt Lancaster in The scalp hunters, is dead. He was 98 years old.

Silvestre died June 2 in Coronado, Calif., said a representative at Aztlan Mortuary in nearby La Mesa. The Hollywood Reporter.

The powerful Silvestre made numerous films in Mexico, including This is Martin Corona (1952), Rossana (1953), History of a mink coat (1955) with Silvia Pinal, The Vengeful Shadow (1956), Miracle roses (1960), Neutron vs. Dr. Charon (1963), Shock (1974) and Faith, Hope and Charity (1974).

He excelled in westerns and action-adventure films early in his career, en route to compiling over 200 credits on IMDb.

Armando Silvestre Carrascosa was born in San Diego on January 28, 1926 and grew up in Tijuana. His younger brother was Eduardo Silvestre, winner of the Mr. Universe competition in 1959. He left college to become a bullfighter, but after getting gored, he chose to become an actor.

Silvestre appeared in the 1948 films Tarzan and the Sirenswith Johnny Weissmuller, and Mystery in Mexicodirected by Robert Wise, then landed a starring role in Lola Casanova (1949), a western made in its country of origin.

Other early American credits included Wyoming Mail (1950) and Apache Drums (1951) – both with Stephen McNally – Mark of the Renegade (1951), with Ricardo Montalbán, Cyd Charisse and Gilbert Roland; Thunderbirds (1952); And The white orchid (1954), with Peggie Castle.

He later appeared in other American films like For the love of Mike (1960), with Richard Baseheart; Geronimo (1962), with Chuck Connors; Rage (1966), with Stella Stevens and Glenn Ford; And Sanchez's children (1978), with Anthony Quinn and Dolores del Rio.

And he starred in American TV series like Daniel Boone, The FBI, Policewoman, Bracken's World, Mannix And Wonder Woman.

More recently, Silvestre has worked on telenovelas The imposter in 2014 and Wake up with you in 2016-17 and was preparing his return to the stage.

Survivors include his wife, Blanca Estela Limón, an actress and casting director, and his daughter, Anabel.

“He was a great human being, a great husband, a great father, a great friend, a great athlete and a great actor nationally and internationally who made Mexico stand out,” his daughter said.




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