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Family of former General Hospital actor Johnny Wactor marches through downtown Los Angeles demanding justice

Family of former General Hospital actor Johnny Wactor marches through downtown Los Angeles demanding justice


LOS ANGELES (KABC)– Nearly three weeks after “General Hospital” actor Johnny Wactor was shot and killed in downtown Los Angeles, his family and close friends spoke out Wednesday, calling for more action from city ​​leaders.

Wactor's family and close friends held a press conference before leading the “Justice for Johnny Wactor” march.

They urged city leaders — including Mayor Karen Bass — “to provide their full support and resources to the Los Angeles Police Department in this homicide investigation, beginning with the issuance of a minimum reward $25,000 for information leading to the arrest of the individuals responsible for Wactor's death. “said the organizers.

His brother, Grant Wactor, flew to Los Angeles from South Carolina to speak.

“Back home, we’re all obviously hurting,” he told the crowd. “We're doing everything we can to try to stay busy and keep this at the forefront, so thank you all for being here and helping us keep this out there so we can continue to press this issue. The bottom line is that it was a senseless act of violence that none of us expected. He was 37. He would be 38 in August and it hurts.

Johnny Wactor was fatally shot last month while leaving his bartending shift.

LAPD investigators said three men were trying to steal his catalytic converter when Wactor approached them.

Three suspects fled in a vehicle and Wactor died a short time later at a local hospital.

“His life was cruelly taken from us in an act of needless violence,” said Len’s councilor Kevin, who said he had been in contact with Johnny’s mother, Scarlett. “Johnny's instinct to protect his colleague from putting himself in harm's way speaks volumes about the kind of man he was: courageous, selfless and caring. We condemn this brutal and selfless act of violence in the strongest terms .”

“This crime sends a frightening message,” he continued. “We don't know who these individuals may have harmed, or who they may harm in the future, if they are not brought to justice. Taking someone's life for a piece of metal .”

Also in attendance was Wactor's close friend and fellow actor Micah Parker, who sent a strong message to city leaders.

“It's hard to be here…at the same time, it's the perfect place because this city and its leaders need to understand where low-crime policies are leading. It's leading us here,” he said. “Johnny deserves justice.”

Bryan Barkley, the security guard who worked in the area the night of the shooting, also spoke out, emphasizing the need to make the streets safer for bar employees.

“You probably don’t notice it because the sun is out, but it’s the only street that’s not lit,” he said. “That's a problem. It could have been any of us.”

READ MORE | Colleague who witnessed shooting death of 'General Hospital' actor Johnny Wactor speaks out

Wactor portrayed Brando Corbin on “General Hospital” from 2020 to 2022. He has also appeared in various films and television series, including “Station 19”, “NCIS”, “Westworld” and the video game “Call of Duty: Vanguard” . “

The Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office said investigators have leads in the case, but the office declined to provide further details.

Anyone with information about his case is asked to call the LAPD Central Station at 213-486-6606. You can also submit an anonymous tip by calling Crime Stoppers at 800-222-8477 or visiting

City News Service, Inc. contributed to this report.

Copyright 2024 KABC Television, LLC. All rights reserved.




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