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Long Beach approves venues for 2028 Olympic, Paralympic Games – Daily News

Long Beach approves venues for 2028 Olympic, Paralympic Games – Daily News


Long Beach has chosen the sites that will host the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, a new step as the city prepares to host the Games.

The City Council approved a venue guarantee with the Los Angeles Organizing Committee for the 2028 Summer Games at its meeting on Tuesday, June 11.

Long Beach landmarks include the Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center area, Marina Green and Alamitos Beach, the waterfront around Belmont Shore Beach, and Marine Stadium.

“We are excited to reintroduce this venue for the games,” Jorge Godinez, assistant city manager, said of Marine Stadium, “this is the first time it will be used to host Olympic events since 1932.”

The 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games are scheduled to take place from July 14 to August 27 of that year in Los Angeles and surrounding areas, including Carson and Long Beach.

As the Los Angeles 2028 Summer Games Organizing Committee develops its event plans, city staff will receive more details on community impacts and access to public spaces. The four sites that council members agreed on will also need to be reviewed and approved by the Coastal Commission and are subject to change, officials said.

The Long Beach sites are expected to be finalized by October 2027, City Manager Tom Modica said.

“As a city, we continue to make great progress as we prepare to host multiple Olympic events for the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games,” Mayor Rex Richardson said during the meeting.

Last month, Long Beach and its neighbor Carson officially signed as host cities for the 2028 Summer Olympics and Paralympics, also known as LA28.

“As Southern California's premier waterfront, we are slated to serve as a major aquatic hub for the upcoming Olympics and currently Long Beach is poised to become the largest LA28 host city outside of Los Angeles.” , he added. “We are thoughtful and intentional in preparing every facet of our city to be proud to showcase our city on an international scale. »

Long Beach guarantee of use of the premises ensures the availability of these designated locations for all event needs and outlines the terms and conditions for use of the locations, according to the staff report.

The guarantee also specifies that LA28 will reimburse all operational costs incurred in producing the events – such as the costs of constructing overlays which can be used for items such as temporary structures, increased cleaning and management services. waste and reinforced security measures. Specific reimbursement terms will be detailed in subsequent agreements for each location.

Municipal staff intends to conduct community outreach activities to discuss potential impacts on residences and businesses. Outreach efforts will focus on transportation and mobility plans, parking and safety, as well as listening to other concerns residents and business owners may have.

“Our main goal is to keep the community well informed about mitigation efforts and ensure the games are a positive experience for everyone,” Godinez said.

Employees created a Frequently asked questions document that provides preliminary information on potential impacts.

Long Beach officials will continue to work with LA28 to finalize specific dates and further refine zones to facilitate preparation for the Summer Olympics while minimizing impacts to surrounding areas, officials said.




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