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Family and friends of late actor Johnny Wactor march through downtown Los Angeles

Family and friends of late actor Johnny Wactor march through downtown Los Angeles


Family and friends of the late Johnny Wactor marched through downtown Los Angeles Wednesday morning, calling for a reward to catch the “General Hospital” actor's killer and for city leaders to eliminate crime .

Wactor, 37, who played Brando Corbin on the ABC daytime soap opera “General Hospital,” was killed in downtown Los Angeles on May 25 by thieves who were trying to steal the catalytic converter from his car.

As Wactor finished his shift as a bartender, he approached three suspects who were in the process of stealing a catalytic converter from his car at Hope Street and Pico Boulevard.

One of them pulled out a gun and opened fire. Wactor was taken to hospital where he later died.

Wactor's friend Micah Parker said the goal of Wednesday's march was to raise awareness and shine a light on the incident because the suspects have not yet been apprehended.

“We want anyone with information to come forward,” Parker said.

The group gathered near the scene of the shooting at 10 a.m. and marched to City Hall, imploring city leaders to issue a minimum reward of $25,000 for information leading to the shooting. arrest of the individuals responsible for Wactor's death.

“The second goal would be, because it's twofold, to shine a light on the overall crisis that we're going through in Los Angeles, with violence and crime,” Parker said.

“We want the leaders of our city, the mayor, the [district attorney]the city council needs to at least admit that we have a problem so we can fix it and move forward with safer streets. »

Family and friends marched through downtown Los Angeles to call on city leaders to crack down on crime and issue a $25,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of Johnny Wactor's killers.


Grant Wactor said Johnny, his older brother, was irreplaceable and was a mentor to him and his other brother.

“He was a positive person and no matter what, he always made sure to find a way to make it through: if you had a problem, he took time out of his day, even if he was having his worst day , he was making sure he can help you figure out how to solve it,” Grant Wactor said.

Besides “General Hospital,” Wactor has also appeared in other television series, including “Westworld,” “Criminal Minds,” “The OA,” and “NCIS.”

Parker said Wactor worked bartending shifts to keep up the act.

“Johnny wasn't that guy you think of when you think 'celebrity,'” Parker said. “He had his feet on the ground, he hustled, without ego.”

Wactor is survived by his mother and two brothers.




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