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Booker Introduces Resolution Recognizing African-American Contributions to Music

Booker Introduces Resolution Recognizing African-American Contributions to Music


WASHINGTON DC Today, United States Senator Cory Booker (D-New Jersey) introduced a resolution celebrating the contributions of African Americans to the musical heritage of the United States and designating the month of June as African American Music Appreciation Month . Additionally, the resolution recognizes the lack of access to arts education and training for African American students and calls for greater access to music education.

For hundreds of years, African-American music has been an integral part of the cultural identity of the Americas. » said Senator Booker. This resolution honors the extraordinary contributions of Black musicians like Aretha Franklin, Prince, Miles Davis and many others who have shaped our country's musical landscape. Investing in educating more students about the richness of African American music will help ensure that future generations can appreciate and contribute to the innovation, creativity and rich heritage that defines the music American.

From Dayton to Detroit, from Memphis to St. Louis, Black musicians have created and shaped our culture and music since our country's very beginning. Dayton, Ohio, known as the Land of Funk, helped birth the blend of soul, jazz, and rhythm and blues that created the funk genre, and continues to produce talented musicians today, » said Senator Brown. This legislation will finally give these pioneers the recognition they deserve.

Despite their many contributions to the American experience, black artists, past and present, are often overlooked and denied access to music education. said Senator Butler. This resolution celebrates the powerful impact musicians have had on culture and highlights the need to empower and support the next generation of talent.

Music and art help us better understand our history, connect with others, and share our own experiences. But for many black artists and musicians, their rich contributions to American culture have been underappreciated. » said Senator Durbin. By introducing this resolution with Senator Booker, I hope to see the Senate give Black artists the recognition they deserve and promote access to music education for underserved students.

Minnesota's music scene has been heavily influenced by African-American music. From Sounds of Blackness and the Time to the duo Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, African-American musicians have played an important role in American culture, » said Senator Klobuchar. Minnesota is also celebrated as the birthplace of the legendary Prince and his iconic Purple Rain. His music has touched hearts, opened minds and inspired millions around the world to dance. This resolution recognizes the significant contributions that African American musicians have made and continue to make to the cultural fabric and musical heritage of our country.

African American music has always been an integral part of our culture, shaping and enriching countless genres across generations. This resolution recognizes the creative ingenuity of Black musicians throughout our history and the influence that Black artists continue to have while encouraging greater musical education so that young people have the opportunity to explore and perpetuate this heritage of artistic excellence, » said Senator Van Hollen.

The National Association for Music Education is proud to support the African American Music Appreciation Month resolution. Introduced by Senator Cory Booker, this resolution highlights the rich and significant contributions of African-American musicians to the musical history of the United States. Additionally, this resolution highlights the disparity in access to music education for African American students and the lack of representation of African Americans in the music teaching profession. The musical history of the United States is as diverse as the country itself, but to continue our tradition of culturally diverse musical offerings, we must ensure that all students have access to a comprehensive, culturally relevant music education. Thank you to Senator Booker for recognizing June as African American Music Appreciation Month and for your continued work to expand access to music and the arts. said Deborah Confredo, president of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME).

The resolution is co-sponsored by U.S. Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Laphonza Butler (D-CA), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), and Chris Van Hollen (D-MD).

To read the full text of the resolution, click here.




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