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How Apple plans to use Hollywood to help save Vision Pro

How Apple plans to use Hollywood to help save Vision Pro


Apple is stepping up its efforts to get Hollywood to create content for the Vision Pro as it prepares to roll out the mixed reality headset internationally to boost sales.

The $3,499 headset received mixed responses when it launched in February. Reviewers and users praised its “spatial computing” capabilities, but criticized its weight, quality of vision, and lack of unique experiences. Sales failed and some buyers ended up returning the device.

The company began recruiting directors and creatives to develop content for the headset in June last year. James Cameron was delighted. Director Jon Favreau has brought the dinosaurs from his Apple TV+ show “Prehistoric Planet” to life with a spinoff for Vision Pro. Apple asked Disney to make content available on the headset upon launch.

But this more recent, accelerated push with Hollywood could be an acknowledgment that despite the promise of the Vision Pro, creatives and developers haven't rushed to create content and apps for the device.

Apple has some examples of immersive content to tout, like a season of rehearsals with Alicia Keys and a Red Bull Series it's on the way, but they are rare. A Disney insider who, along with others involved in the story, spoke on condition of anonymity to protect business relationships, said interest in the company had waned because of the low adoption of the device. Popular companies like Netflix and YouTube have been reluctant to create their own native apps for the headset.

Apple is talking about Vision Pro to talent agencies, filmmakers and producers to fill the pipeline. The effort is led by Apple TV+ national programming director Chris Parnell, with help from new hire David Manpearl. Apple TV+ produces some, but not all, of the immersive content available on Vision Pro.

Insiders said the effort has sparked curiosity and skepticism.

One agent said the device was “amazing” but questioned how the content would be monetized.

One producer said the device was not suited to people's viewing habits and pointed out that its weight made it difficult to wear for long periods of time.

“The problem is, it's really cool technology, but then they drop it off and give it back because there's no appointment. It's not viable for a two-hour movie “, said the producer.

On the other hand, Apple is offering to pay creators for their ideas at a time when media companies have cut spending and are seeking security in sequels and blue chips.

A second agent said Parnell and co. were looking for unscripted, immersive, epic films, but low- and mid-budget projects that would be unlikely to be purchased by other major studios. Apple announced a host of new features for Vision Pro at its annual developers conference on Monday, including new high-end cameras from Blackmagic Design and an update to its DaVinci Resolve Studio postproduction software, which it wants filmmakers use it to create immersive stories for the device.

Like its plan for the rest of Apple TV+'s shows and movies, Apple doesn't want controversial content for the Vision Pro, lest it hurt overall sales of its consumer electronics devices.

“Apple’s biggest obstacle has always been: How do we apply product to content?” said the second agent. “So I think it's smart to say we're the first to have this technology; how can we get people to enjoy entertainment content in this way?”

Peter Kafka contributed reporting.




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