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Maharaj Junaid Khan: Why 'Boycott Netflix' is trending alongside 'Maharaj' and Junaid Khan, son of Bollywood star Aamir Khan

Maharaj Junaid Khan: Why 'Boycott Netflix' is trending alongside 'Maharaj' and Junaid Khan, son of Bollywood star Aamir Khan


Hashtags such as 'Boycott Netflix' and 'Ban Maharaj Film' were prevalent on social media platforms as a section of users expressed objections against the upcoming film 'Maharaj'. Premiering on Netflix this Friday, the period drama marks the debut of Junaid Khan, son of Bollywood star Aamir Khan.

Directed by Siddharth P Malhotra and produced by Aditya Chopra under YRF Entertainment, “Maharaj” delves into pre-independent India, revolving around the Maharaj libel case of 1862. This historical backdrop has sparked controversy, with some claiming that the film could potentially offend religious sentiments. .

Despite its imminent release, “Maharaj” took an unconventional promotional route, choosing not to release teasers or trailers, but only a poster featuring actors Jaideep Ahlawat and Junaid Khan.

Outcry on social media

The negative reactions on social media were considerable. VHP leader Sadhvi Prachi expressed strong objections, saying: “Will not tolerate disrespect to Sanatan Dharma. Ban Maharaj Film. #BoycottNetflix. »

Critics argue that the depiction of historical events and figures in “Maharaj” may distort and offend Hindu sentiments. One user criticized the film as “Hinduist”, accusing it of distorting the image of Sadhus and Vallabh Sampradaya under British rule.

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Film synopsis and controversy

According to Netflix, “Maharaj” chronicles the life of Karsandas Mulji, a journalist and social reformer known for championing women's rights and social reform during a pivotal era in Indian history. The narrative culminates with the Maharaj Defamation case, a significant legal battle of the time. The controversy over “Maharaj” echoes earlier conflicts over films like “Laal Singh Chaddha” and “Annapoorani”, where religious sentiments were allegedly ignored, prompting calls for a ban. and boycotts. The Supreme Court recently intervened in similar controversies, suspending the release of films like “Hamare Baarah” following allegations of content derogatory to the Islamic faith. These incidents highlight growing sensitivities regarding the depiction of religious subjects in Indian cinema.

As debates intensify online, the fate of “Maharaj” hangs in the balance, amid calls for censorship and increased scrutiny from the public and the judiciary.

The intersection of artistic expression and religious sentiment remains a contentious issue in contemporary India, highlighting the ongoing challenges faced by filmmakers and audiences.

In conclusion, although “Maharaj” aims to explore a meaningful historical narrative, its reception highlights the complexities of cultural representation and the enduring relevance of artistic freedom to societal sensitivities.

(PTI entry)




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