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Robert Pattinson and 'Smile' Filmmaker Parker Finn's Team for 'Possession'

Robert Pattinson and 'Smile' Filmmaker Parker Finn's Team for 'Possession'


Smile Filmmaker Parker Finn ventures into extraterrestrial territory.

Finn quietly teamed up with Robert Pattinson to remake Possessionthe cult 1981 supernatural psychological horror film written and directed by Polish filmmaker Andrzej Żuławski.

The project has captured the attention of the city, with a bidding war between A24, Netflix, Paramount, Sony and Warner Bros. The process is in its early stages, with meetings taking place this week, sources said, and other companies could participate. the fray.

Finn is set to write the screenplay, direct and produce through his Bad Feeling banner. Pattinson produces through his production company Icki Eneo Arlo; his involvement as an actor will be clarified as the scenario and schedules evolve. Also producing is Vertigo Entertainment's Roy Lee, who helped produce Zach Cregger's film. Barbaric.

Located in West Berlin, Possession starred Sam Neill as a spy who returns from the field to his wife (Isabella Adjani) and son. All is not calm on the marital front as the wife files for divorce and the couple then descends into a destructive cycle that not only includes infidelity and neglect, but also spirals into murder, an alien creature to tentacles and lookalikes.

The film was Żuławski's meditation on marriage, written in reaction to his own crumbling marriage. The film, an international co-production between France and Germany, was not a success or particularly well received upon release, but it gained cult status thanks to the filmmaker's complete commitment to the premise and was reevaluated.

The reception to the pitches was extremely positive, with executives talking about the story of “bullshit” and “over there”, but also its strong commercial potential. How to market the eventual film is also part of the conversation.

Finn, who is stationed on Smile 2looks beyond its horror franchise with Possessionaiming for something more expansive and elevated but also still intimate.

After filming a few short films, Finn made his feature film debut with Smile, which became the biggest horror hit of 2022, grossing over $216 million worldwide. The premise of the $17 million film centered around a supernatural entity that caused people to commit suicide. Following this success, he signed a first deal with Paramount and launched into Smile 2. (Possession isn't part of the first preview, which is why the studio, which saw the sequel and is extremely proud of it, is now one of the bidders.)

Pattinson hasn't been seen on the big screen since 2022 The Batman and will return in January 2025 with Bong Joon Ho's Mickey 17.

Finn is replaced by CAA, Grandview and Jackoway Austen. Pattinson is repped by WME, 3 Arts Entertainment and CurtisBrown Group.




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