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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry lose friends in Hollywood

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry lose friends in Hollywood


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are accepting nominations for new friends.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. AFP via Getty Images

According to Princess Diana's former butler, Paul Burrell, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have lost contact with their friends in Hollywood.

“Harry and Meghan’s circle is getting smaller and smaller,” Burrell said. Closer Wednesday.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry in Nigeria. AFP via Getty Images

“I think A-list stars are dropping like flies. Some have already done Oprah [Winfrey] doesn’t seem to be involved with them anymore and other celebrities have also abandoned them,” he added.

Winfrey, 70, interviewed Harry, 39, and Markle, 42, in 2021 about their decision to leave royal duties and move to California.

Burrell, who worked for Harry's mother until her death in 1997, noted that Hollywood once wanted to be associated with the Sussexes, but things have changed.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle interviewed by Oprah Winfrey. VIA REUTERS
Kerry Washington, Kelly Rowland and Meghan Markle. WireImage for Parkwood

At the time, the stars were banking on Harry and Meghan being the most popular couple in the country at one point when they got married, but there has been a decline since then,” she said. -he declares.

According to Closer, several Hollywood stars have “refused recent invitations” from the couple, including George and Amal Clooney, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom. The Clooneys attended their royal wedding at St George's Chapel in Windsor in May 2018.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with Anthony Anderson. Earl Gibson III/Shutterstock

The publication also claimed that there had recently been rumors that David and Victoria Beckham “were shunned” by the “Suits” alum.

Burrell said Americans “love the royal family and realize that Meghan and Harry are a sideshow and not the main event.

The Post has reached out to the couple's representatives for comment.

Meghan Markle and Serena Williams at the Royal Salute Polo Challenge 2024. P.A.

As a former actress, Markle has been friends with many Hollywood stars such as Priyanka Chopra, Serena Williams and her former “Suits” co-stars Abigail Spencer and Patrick J. Adams. She and Harry are also friends with Clooney, Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Elton John and Idris Elba.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with Beyoncé and Jay-Z in 2019.

Harry loved life in the US so much that earlier this year he sensationally gave up his British residency and claimed America as his home in paperwork.

The move was backdated to June 29, 2023, the same day he and Markle officially moved out of Frogmore Cottage, which left them without an official UK residence.

The couple now resides Montecito, California.with their son Prince Archie, 5 years old, and their daughter Princess Lilibet, 3 years old.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at the Royal Salute Polo Challenge.

However, Harry is apparently looking for a house in the UK since his friends won't be visiting him due to their “disagreements” with Markle.

Royal commentator and expert Tom Quinn told the Mirror on June 9, Harry's friends from his homeland “don't get along” with his wife.

Harry is determined to find his own permanent home in the UK,” Quinn said.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with the royal family in July 2019. MEGA

Additionally, Harry may be considering reconciling with his ex-family, including his father, King Charles, and brother, Prince William, as he searches for a home in the U.K., The Post has learned. from Charles' former butler, Grant Harrold.

You only have one family, and that means he suddenly realized that, Harrold said.

Harry does not speak to his relatives in the UK, although he briefly visited his father in February after the monarch announced his cancer diagnosis.

Harry's sister-in-law, Kate Middleton, is also battling cancer, which Harry and Markle only learned about when the future queen revealed the news to the rest of the world in March.




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