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Chiefs News: Hollywood Brown excited, Kansas City sees him as a weapon

Chiefs News: Hollywood Brown excited, Kansas City sees him as a weapon


It's no secret that the Kansas City Chiefs are trying to let the deep ball fly more often this upcoming season. That was the indication when the team signed wide receiver Hollywood Brown in free agency, and the workouts available for media viewing highlighted it.

Brown received numerous deep passes from quarterback Patrick Mahomes during offseason practices, and the chemistry is building with each repetition. On a touchdown run during Wednesday's practice, Brown stretched out to haul in a long bomb on the run.

The connection was made possible by trust, something Brown can already feel playing with Mahomes. He shared details of the practice touchdown with reporters after Wednesday's practice.

Seeing the blitz, [I] I kind of looked down and thought he was going to throw it,” Brown recalled. I looked up, the ball was in the air, so I played.

Brown's blazing speed naturally makes him the top threat for deep targets, but that's just the surface of what the fifth-year veteran can bring to the Chiefs' offense.

The unit asks a lot of its playmakers, and Brown takes on that responsibility.

They let me be a weapon, Brown noted. I'm not stuck in this or that role, I'm becoming a weapon for the offense and I'm excited about it.

Interchangeability is a crucial aspect of the Chiefs passing offense. The scheme requires its receivers to line up all over the formation and run routes to all three levels of the defense.

With a 5-foot-9-inch tall frame and around 180 pounds, fans might consider Brown to be classified as a specific type of receiver. This will not be the case in Kansas City; Brown makes sure of it.

Guys look at me and say, 'Oh, he can only do this, or he can only do that,'” Brown laughed. Coach Reid puts me in a position to do a lot of things.

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He is the most accomplished of a wide receiver with incredible speed. As a college player, Brown ran a 4.27-second 40-yard dash at Oklahoma's Pro Day in 2019. He is joined by recruit Xavier Worthy, who comes broke all-time record at NFL Scouting Combine by running the 40-yard dash in 4.21 seconds.

Then, last week, the team re-signed Mecole Hardman, who has impacted the Chiefs offense with his game-changing speed for years. Brown can see the benefits of all that speed in one formation.

We were fast, we were definitely fast, smiled Brown. We were definitely going to put a lot of pressure on people. I just think it's going to be exciting, everyone should be excited.

Any videotape can showcase Brown's physical talent, but he also learned a lot from his time with the Baltimore Ravens and Arizona Cardinals. Brown has been the No. 1 receiver on each team and can share that knowledge with his new teammates, who seem to be receptive to it.

They listen, Brown noted of the other younger receivers. I've been on two different teams, coming from my background, there's a lot of ideas I can share with these guys and they take it on board.

At 27 years old, Brown has the balance of being in his athletic prime, while also having five seasons as a starter in the NFL under his belt. The combination of the two will go a long way in maximizing his stay in Kansas City.

This might only be for the one season he's under contract with the Chiefs, but one thing's for sure: Brown is motivated to prove he's not a deep pass rusher. He is ready to be a versatile weapon and the coaching staff is preparing to use him as such.




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