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Kiara Advani celebrates 10 years in Bollywood and celebrates her big day with fans

Kiara Advani celebrates 10 years in Bollywood and celebrates her big day with fans


Kiara Advani completes a decade in Bollywood
Image source: KIARA ADVANI’S INSTAGRAM Kiara Advani completes a decade in Bollywood

Bollywood actor Kiara Advani on Thursday completed a decade in Bollywood. The actress celebrated her big days among her fans at a fan meet. She stepped out wearing a white jumpsuit and met her fans at a restaurant in Mumbai. The actor was also seen getting emotional with all the love coming his way. She also took to Instagram to express her gratitude to her fans.

Instagram post by Kiara Advani

Kiara Advani posted a video on Instagram where she was seen sharing an old video with her team. Later, the actor threw a small party at his Mumbai residence and headed straight to meet the fans. “June 13, 2014, 10 years old and it feels like yesterday. I'm still that girl, deep in my heart, who is excited to perform for her family.. only now, my family is much bigger as each of you is a part of it.. Grateful for all the blessings, the prayers, the love, the dreams, the experiences, the memories, the smiles, the tears,. the learnings, the journey, the films, the characters I get to play, my directors, producers, co-actors, my mentors, my teachers, my critics, the audience, my family, my fans and each of you who have made this dream come true. Thank you for your continued support and love,” her caption read.

Sidharth Malhotra's Insta post for Kiara

Kiara Advani's husband and actor Sidharth Malhotra also took to his Instagram story to show his love towards his wife. “Cheers to a decade of hard work, love and passion. Keep shining! #10yearsofkiaraadvani,” her caption read. Sid and Kiara also met on the sets of Shershaah, where they fell in love for four years and got married on February 7, 2023 at Suryagarh Palace in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan.

Indian Television - Kiara Advani

Image Source: INSTA STORY BY SIDHARTH MALHOTRA Kiara Advani completes 10 years in Bollywood

Filmography of Kiara Advani

For those who don't know, Kiara Advani's debut film was Fugli, which bombed at the box office. The actor rose to fame with cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni's biopic 'Dhoni the Untold Story'. This film turned out to be a milestone in Kiara's career. In the film, late actor Sushant Singh Rajput played the role of Dhoni and Kiara played the role of the cricketer's wife Sakshi. her role in the film was small but she gained recognition in the industry.

Although the actress' films like 'Machine' and 'CID' fared poorly at the box office, Kiara also featured in several South Indian films like Bharat Ane Nenu and Vinaya Vidheya Rama. She then signed 'Shershaah' with Siddharth Malhotra. This film released on OTT and turned out to be a game changer for Siddharth and Kiara. After this, Kiara made headlines as Preeti in Shahid Kapoor starrer 'Kabir Singh'. This film was also a blockbuster at the box office.

Later, she featured in hit films like 'Good News' and 'Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2'. Kiara's film 'Satyaprem Ki Katha' with Kartik Aryan, released in 2023, was also a super-duper hit and also earned her several nominations at prestigious award ceremonies in India. She will next be seen with Ranveer Singh in 'Don 3'. Apart from this, the actress will also be seen in 'Game Changer' with South superstar Ram Charan.

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